Kimberly Coates

Coates Kimberly 

Associate Professor of English and American Culture Studies

403 East Hall

Degrees and Institutions

Ph.D. English, University of Utah, 2004
M.A. English, University of Utah, 1992
B.A. English/Psychology, Michigan State University, 1985

Area: Twentieth-Century British and American Literature, Late Nineteenth-Century American Literature, Literary and Textual Studies

Research Interests: Transatlantic Modernist literature and Culture, Gender Studies, Feminism(s), Trauma Theory, Psychoanalysis, and Dance Studies.

Courses Taught

Undergraduate courses

ENG 2010: Intro to Literary Genres
ENG 2620: World Literature
ENG 2650: British Literature 1700-1945
ENG 3020: Intro to Literary Theory and Criticism
ENG 4190: British Modernism
ENG 4330: American Modernism

Graduate courses

ENG 5800: "Eros and Mourning: British Modernism"
WS 6200: Contemporary Feminist Theories
ENG 6750: "Lost Generation(s): American and British Literature of the Entre Guerre"
ENG 6750/ACS 6750: "British Literature and the Rise of Fascism"
ENG 6750/ACS 6750: "British/American Literature Between the Wars"                                                                                                     ENG 6750/WS 6800:  "The Raging Women"
ENG 6800/ACS 6820: Feminism and War
ENG 6800: Gender and Modernity
ENG 7070/ACS 7070: Psychoanalysis and Feminism                                                                                                                                ACS 7450: Publication and Professional Development                                                                                                                              ENG 6750/WS 6800: Feminism and War

Select Publications

“Daddy’s Girl: Fathers, Daughters, and Female Resistance in Virginia Woolf’s Three Guineas and Valerie Solanas’ SCUM Manifesto. “Selected Papers from the 31st Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf: Virginia Woolf and Ethics. Clemson University Press, Forthcoming 2024.

“Audacious Limbs: Dance as Revolutionary Praxis in Emily Holmes Coleman’s Surrealist Novel, The Shutter of Snow.” Feminist Modernist Studies. Dance Issue II. Vol. 5, No. 3 (Fall 2022). Editors Melissa Bradshaw and Jessica Ray Herzogenrath.

“Virginia Woolf's Queer Time and Place: Wartime London and a World Aslant.” Queer Bloomsbury. Eds. Madelyn Detloff and Brenda Helt. Edinburgh University Press, 2016.

“Performing Feminism, Transmitting Affect: Isadora Duncan, Virginia Woolf, and the Politics of Movement.” Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary Woolf: Selected Papers from the 22nd Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Eds. Ann Martin and Kathryn Hill. South Carolina: Clemson University Press, June 2013.

“Phantoms, Fancy (and) Symptoms: Virginia Woolf and the Art of Being Ill.” Woolf Studies Annual Vol. 18, 2012. Ed. Mark Hussey.

Review of Hellenism and Loss in the Work of Virginia Woolf by Theodore Koulouris. Forthcoming Pacific Coast Philology. October 2011. Volume 46.

“Finding Fantasia: Leonardo da Vinci, Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein, and the Aesthetic Subject.” PsyArt: An Online Journal for the Psychological Study of the Arts. November 2010. Eds. Norman N. Holland and Murray Schwartz.

“Photographing Violence: Virginia Woolf’s Three Guineas and Contemporary Feminist Responses to Images of War.” in
The Theme of Peace and War in Virginia Woolf’s Writings:  Essays on Her Political Philosophy
. Ed. Jane Wood. Edwin Mellen Press, London and New York. Published January 2010 (USA) and November 2009 (UK).

“Queering London: Virginia Woolf and The Politics of Perception.” Woolf in the City: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Eds. Elizabeth E. Evans and Sarah Cornish. Clemson University Press, 2010.

“Regarding Violence: Virginia Woolf’s Three Guineas and Contemporary Feminist Responses to War.” Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, Internationalism. Selected Papers from the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Eds. Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson University Press, 2008.

"Eros in the Sickroom: Phosphorescent Form and Aesthetic Ecstasy in D.H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers," Journal of Narrative Theory, Vol 38:2 Summer 2008.

"Exposing the ‘Nerves of Language’: Virginia Woolf, Charles Mauron, and the Affinity Between Aesthetics and Illness.”  Literature and Medicine Vol 21:2 (Fall 2002): 242-263. 

“Dorothy Richardson,” “Muriel Spark,” “Sylvia Townsend Warner,” “Mary Webb,” Feminist Writers. Ed. Pamela Kester-Shelton. New York: St. James Press, 1996.

Review of Heterotopia: Postmodern Utopia and the Body Politic by Tobin Siebers. Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 49 (Fall 1995): 209-211.

Work in Progress

Emily Holmes Coleman: An American Surrealist (book manuscript)

“A Labor of Limbs: Dance and Domesticity in Women’s Fiction Between the Wars.” (Journal Article)

“Bottled Lightening: Alice James and the Rhetoric of Consciousness.” (Journal article)'

Come See My War': Female Bodies and the Politics of Perception, 1900-1939 (book project)

Professional Memberships

Modern Language Association
Modernist Studies Association
International Virginia Woolf Society                                                                                                                                                     ISSS International Society for the Study of Surrealism

Updated: 10/01/2024 04:53PM