Faculty & Staff
- College of Arts and Sciences
- Computer Science
- Faculty & Staff
Jong Kwan "Jake" Lee, Ph.D.
- Position: Associate Professor, Chair, David and Amy Fulton Professorship in Computer Science
- Phone: 419-372-2407
- Email: leej@bgsu.edu
- Address: Hayes 223
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Scientific/Information Visualization, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, High Performance Computing
Jadwiga Carlson, Ed.D.
- Position: Teaching Professor
- Phone: 419-372-8704
- Email: jacarls@bgsu.edu
- Address: Hayes 236
Bowling Green State University
Women in STEM, Software Engineering, Web Development, Usability Engineering and Accessibility Issues
Ronald Conway
- Position: Teaching Professor
- Phone: 419-372-8777
- Email: rconway@bgsu.edu
- Address: Hayes 234
Computer Science Education, Programming Language Design and Implementation, Object-oriented Programming
Venu Dasigi, Ph.D.
- Position: Professor
- Phone: 419-372-7559
- Email: vdasigi@bgsu.edu
- Address: Hayes 239
University of Maryland at College Park
Information Retrieval, Search Engines, Text Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing
Michael Decker, Ph.D.
- Position: Associate Professor
- Phone: 419-372-8703
- Email: mdecke@bgsu.edu
- Address: Hayes 242
Kent State University
Software Engineering, Software Evolution, Software Maintenance, Program Analysis
Robert Green, Ph.D.
- Position: Associate Professor, Shantanu and Reni Narayen Professorship in Computer Science
- Phone: 419-372-8782
- Email: greenr@bgsu.edu
- Address: Hayes 243
University of Toledo
Computational Intelligence, Cloud Computing, High Performance & Parallel Computing, and Software Engineering
Abbas Heydarnoori, Ph.D.
- Position: Assistant Professor
- Phone: 419-372-7486
- Email: aheydar@bgsu.edu
- Address: Hayes 233
University of Waterloo
Software Analytics, Intelligent Software Engineering, Software Maintenance and Evolution, Empirical Software Engineering, Software Engineering for AI-Based Systems
Ray Kresman, Ph.D.
- Position: Professor
- Phone: 419-372-8783
- Email: kresman@bgsu.edu
- Address: Hayes 246
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Operating Systems, Network Protocols, Program Verification
Ruinian Li, Ph.D.
- Position: Assistant Professor
- Phone: 419-372-0216
- Email: lir@bgsu.edu
- Address: Hayes 247
George Washington University
Applied Cryptography, Mobile and Wireless Security, Internet of Things, and Blockchain Technology
Shuteng Niu, Ph.D.
- Position: Assistant Professor
- Phone: 419-372-3469
- Email: sniu@bgsu.edu
- Address: Hayes 241
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Machine Learning, Transfer Learning, Biomedical Informatics
Hassan Rajaei, Ph.D.
- Position: Professor
- Phone: 419-372-2002
- Email: rajaei@bgsu.edu
- Address: Hayes 235
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization of Wireless and Mobile Networks; System Design and Architecture; Parallel and Distributed Simulation
Tianyi Song, Ph.D.
- Position: Associate Teaching Professor
- Phone: 419-372-8102
- Email: tsong@bgsu.edu
- Address: Hayes 237
George Washington University
Sankardas Roy, Ph.D.
- Position: Associate Professor
- Phone: 419-372-2342
- Email: sanroy@bgsu.edu
- Address: Hayes 232
George Mason University
Security vetting of mobile apps, static analysis, computer security, computer networks and data aggregation
Yan Wu, Ph.D.
- Position: Associate Professor
- Phone: 419-372-3470
- Email: yanwu@bgsu.edu
- Address: Hayes 244
Universty of Nebraska at Omaha
Software Assurance, Software Engineering, Data Mining, Knowledge Management
Eva Crimmins
- Position: Senior Secretary
- Phone: 419-372-2337
- Email: emcrimm@bgsu.edu
- Address: Hayes 221
Lisa Weihl
- Position: Systems Administrator
- Phone: 419-372-0116
- Email: lweihl@bgsu.edu
- Address: Hayes 225
Department of Computer Science
Dr. Jong Kwan "Jake" Lee, Chair
Department of Computer Science
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403
Department Office
Hayes 221
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403
The BGSU BS in Computer Science is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://www.abet.org
The BGSU BS in Software Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://www.abet.org
Updated: 09/06/2024 02:00PM