BGSU to hold virtual celebration for graduates Dec. 12
Graduating class includes 1,024 candidates
Bowling Green State University will celebrate its 299th graduation in a virtual ceremony on Saturday, Dec. 12. The livestream will begin at 11 a.m. and is expected to last about 45 minutes. Students, family and friends can view the stream at bgsu.edu as well as Facebook and YouTube.
During this virtual celebration, BGSU President Rodney K. Rogers and Provost Joe B. Whitehead will address the candidates and their families. BGSU Board of Trustee Chair Betty Montgomery '70 and notable alumni from around the world will share special graduation messages.
Of the 1,024 degrees to be awarded in this class, 186 are graduating with honors. Eighty-nine of the candidates will be presented with associate degrees and 662 will be presented bachelor's degrees. The Graduate College will award 240 degrees, including 224 candidates for master's degrees and 16 for doctoral degrees.
Those graduating include 59 international students from 21 countries.
The graduates range in age from 18 to 69 years old.
Additional information can be found on the commencement website.
Media Contact | Michael Bratton | mbratto@bgsu.edu | 419-372-6349
Updated: 12/07/2020 08:45AM