Partial Bibliography of Patricia Cain Smith (1917-2007)

Note:  Many, but not all, of the references listed below pertain to research conducted on the Job Descriptive Index (JDI). These references are provided as a service to job satisfaction researchers, who may wish to read and cite some of the articles in their own research papers.  Dr. Smith had published many research papers on the JDI, and the list below shows some of these. The papers can be obtained by writing to

     Bachiochi, P. D., Stanton, J. M., Robie, C., Perez, L., & Smith, P. C., (1998, April). Revising the JDI work subscale: Insights into stress and control. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Dallas, TX.

     Balzer, W. K., Kihm, J. A., Smith, P. C., Irwin, J. L., Bachiochi, P. D., Robie, C., Sinar, E. F., & Parra, L. F. (1997). Users' manual for the Job Descriptive Index (JDI, 1997 revision) and the Job in General scales. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University.

     Balzer, W. K., Smith, P.C., Kravitz, D. A., Lovell, S. E., Paul, K.B., Reilly, B.A., & Reilly, C. E. (1990). User's Manual for the Job Descriptive Index (JDI) and the Job in General (JIG) Scales. Bowling Green State University: Bowling Green, OH.

     Bernardin, H. J., LaShells, M. B., Smith, P. C., & Alvares, K. M. (1976). Behavioral expectation scales: Effects of developmental procedures and formats. Journal of Applied Psychology, 61, 75-79.

     Bernardin, H. J., & Smith, P. C. (1981). A clarification of some issues regarding the development and use of behaviorally anchored rating scales. Journal of Applied Psychology, 66, 458-463.

     Cranny, C.J., Smith, P.C. & Stone, E.F. (Eds.). (1992), Job Satisfaction. New York: Lexington.

     Hulin, C. L., & Smith, P. C. (1965). A linear model of job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Psychology, 49, 209-216.

     Ironson, G., Smith, P. C., Brannick, M. T., Gibson, W. M., & Paul, K. B. (1989). Construction of a "Job in General" scale: A comparison of global, composite, and specific measures. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74, 193-200.

     Johnson, S. M., Smith, P. C., & Tucker, S. M. (1982). Response format of the Job Descriptive Index: Assessment of reliability and validity by the multi-trait, multi-method matrix. Journal of Applied Psychology, 67, 500-505.

     Kendall, L. M., Smith, P. C., Hulin, C. L., & Locke, E. A. (1963). The relative validity of the Job Descriptive Index and other methods of measurement of job satisfaction. (Cornell Studies of Job Satisfaction: IV). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Industrial and Labor Relations.

     Locke, E. A., Smith, P. C., Kendall, L. M., Hulin, C. L., & Miller, A. M. (1964). Convergent and discriminant validity for areas and rating methods of job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Psychology, 48, 313-319.

     Schwyhart, W., & Smith, P. C. (1971). Factors in the job involvement of middle managers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 56, 227-233.

     Sinar, E. F., Julian, A. J., Stanton, J. M., Balzer, W. K., Smith, P. C., & Parra, L. F. (1999, April). Strategic issues in reducing the length of psychological measures. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

     Sinar, E. F., Stanton, J. M., Julian, A. L., Fisher, G. G., Aziz, S., Thoresen, P., Balzer, W. K., Smith, P. C., & Parra, L. F. (2000, April). Development of a Compact Measure of Job Satisfaction: The AJDI . Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

     Smith, P. C. (1953). The curve of output as a criterion of boredom. Journal of Applied Psychology, 37, 69-74.

     Smith, P. C. (1955). The prediction of individual differences in susceptibility to industrial monotony. Journal of Applied Psychology, 39, 322-329.

     Smith, P.C. (1976). Behaviors, results, and organizational effectiveness: The problem of criteria. In M. D. Dunnette (Ed.), Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology. Chicago: Rand McNally.

     Smith, P. C. (1994, July). Satisfaction and Stress: Correlation and Clarification. Invited address presented to the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Washington, DC.

     Smith, P. C., Balzer, W., Brannick, M., Chia, W., Eggleston, S., Gibson, W., Johnson, B., Josephson, H., Paul, K., Reilly, C. & Whalen, M. (1987). The revised JDI: A facelift for an old friend. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 24, 31-33.

     Smith, P.C., Balzer, W.K., Ironson, G.H., Paul, K.B., Hayes, B., Moore-Hirschl, S., & Parra, L.F. (1992). Development and validation of the stress in general (SIG) scale). Poster session presented at the seventh meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Montreal, Canada.

     Smith, P. C., Budzeika, K. A., Edwards, N. A., Johnson, S. M., & Bearse, L. N., (1986). Guidelines for clean data: Detection of common mistakes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 71, 457-460.

     Smith, P. C. & Kendall, L. M. (1963). Retranslation of expectations: An approach to the construction of unambiguous anchors for rating scales. Journal of Applied Psychology, 47, 149-155.

     Smith, P. C., Kendall, L. M., & Hulin, C. L. (1969). The measurement of satisfaction in work and retirement. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally.

     Smith, P. C., & Stanton, J. M. (1999). Perspectives on the measurement of job attitudes: The long view. Human Resources Management Review, 8, 367-386.

     Smith, P. C., Smith, O. W., & Rollo, J. (1974). Factor structure for Blacks and Whites of the Job Descriptive Index and its discriminations of job satisfactions among three groups of subjects. Journal of Applied Psychology, 59, 99-100.

     Stanton, J. M., Balzer, W. K., Smith, P. C., Parra, L. F., & Ironson, G. (2001). A general measure of work stress: The Stress In General scale. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 61, 866-888.

     Stanton, J. M., Sederburg, M., & Smith, P. C. (2000, April). Applying Neural Networking Techniques to Prediction Problems in I-O Psychology. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

     Stanton, J. M., Sinar, E. F., Balzer, W. K., Julian, A. L., Thoreson, P., Aziz, S., Fisher, G. G., & Smith, P. C. (2001). Development of a compact measure of job satisfaction: The Abridged Job Descriptive Index. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 61, 1104-1122.

     Taylor, J. G., & Smith, P. C., (1956). An investigation of the shape of learning curves for industrial motor tasks. Journal of Applied Psychology, 40, 142-149.

     Wollack, S. W., Goodale, J., Wijting, J., & Smith, P. C. (1971). Development of the Survey of Work Values. Journal of Applied Psychology, 55, 331-338.

Updated: 12/01/2017 10:51PM