Undergraduate Research Opportunities


Professors and graduate students in the Developmental Psychology department are committed to producing meaningful research that contributes to the literature on development. Our research encompasses the entire life span, with questions ranging from aspects of early development to the effects of aging. Undergraduate research assistants are often recruited to assist in the research process. Research participation provides a unique, enriching experience to undergraduates, and builds skills needed for psychological careers and graduate school. Students can expect to gain experience in several aspects of research, such as literature searches, administration of measures to participants, and data entry, depending on the particular project. Students also gain practical experience relevant to any job, such as teamwork and time management.

If you are an undergraduate student interested in becoming a research assistant, please contact the professor or graduate student you would like to work with. Profiles and research interests can be found here.

Past Mentored Undergraduate Research Projects:

The Impact of Cognitive Fatigue on Perceived Health of Foods in Emerging Adults
CURS grant recipient, Spring 2020

Attitudes Toward Drug Abuse Based on Race, Weight Class, and Socioeconomic Status
CURS grant recipient, Spring 2019

Updated: 03/16/2021 12:44PM