Air Force ROTC Detachment 620
Detatchment 620 - Fighting Falcons
Our mission is to develop Air and Space Force leaders of character whom we expect to fight and win our Nation's wars through leadership opportunities, physical training, and mentorship programs. Detachment 620 has been a part of BGSU for over 70 years producing officers who have gone on to be general officers, pilots, navigators, engineers, nurses, and much more.
We offer AFROTC to students enrolled at Bowling Green State University, The University of Toledo, Ohio Northern University, The University of Findlay, Heidelberg University, Tiffin University and Lourdes University.
Prospective cadets and their parents, as well as current cadets and friends of Detachment 620, will find useful information on this website. Do not hesitate to call or email us directly with any comments or questions. And please feel free to come by and visit our Detachment.

Freshman - AS100 Cadet
Welcome to BGSU and Detachment 620!! Life as an AS100 Cadet is the first step in becoming a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air or Space Force. Career opportunities, lifelong friendships, and fun times are just right around the corner. As an AS100 Cadet, you along with the rest of the detachment cadets will participate in weekly physical fitness, leadership laboratories, and academic classes.
Sophomore - AS200 Cadet
After completing your first year in ROTC, as an AS200 Cadet you will continue to grow your leadership skills. You may be in charge of various activities within the detachment such as leading physical training, assisting a flight commander, planning a morale event, and more. In addition to having a leadership role in the Detachment, you will be tasked with helping the current AS100 Cadets become adjusted to life as a cadet and help them navigate through their first year in college. During this time, you will be preparing yourself to perform well at Field Training over the summer.
Junior - AS300 Cadet
Congratulations on receiving an Enrollment Allocation and succesffully finishing Field Training, hopefully you learned a lot! As an upperclassman, you are now a crucial part in the planning and execution of operations here at Detachment 620. Increased responsibilities will test your time management, communication, and leadership. During this time, you will start taking the required steps to prepare for a specific career in the United States Air or Space Force.
Senior - AS400 Cadet
Life as a Second Lieutenant is almost here, this is the time to make a lasting impact on Detachment 620. You will practice leading many of the cadets in the squadron and have a major impact on their morale, training, and performance. You will learn your career field and where you will be stationed after graduation. Congratulations and get ready for the next chapter in your life!!

Fall 2024 New Cadet Orientation
Our newest cadets will start in-processing the detachment on 21-22 August. All incoming students will receive an email containing an itinerary and instructions. -- -- -- -- holmcenter -- AF FOIA
Updated: 08/01/2024 09:31AM