13th annual MLK Jr. Day of Service Food Drive
Register a team for the MLK Day Campus Challenge: '20 for 21'
BGSU’s Center for Public Impact is seeking 20 organizations, campus offices, groups of friends, student groups, alumni, family and friends to participate in a challenge for this year's Brown Bag Food Project. The project is part of the annual Martin Luther King Day of Service Food Drive which is taking place on January 16 and 17.
The Center For Public Impact is asking 20 groups to commit to collect 21 food or hygiene items to donate to the Brown Bag Food Project. In the past, BGSU student, faculty and staff volunteers would participate by canvassing neighborhoods throughout Bowling Green to collect food and hygiene items. That is not possible this year due to COVID-19 restrictions and concerns.
To participate, groups can register on the Center For Public Impact's website, collect 21 food and/or hygiene items by Friday, Jan. 15 and drop off those items at the Brown Bag Food Project located at 530 Sand Ridge Rd., Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 on Saturday, Jan. 16 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or Sunday, Jan. 17 from noon until 2 p.m.
Participants are also being asked to "share your 20 for 21" by taking a picture and posting it on social media and tagging the Center for Public Impact on Facebook or Instagram.
Students who are taking classes online or faculty and staff who are working from home can still participate in the challenge by collecting 21 items and donating them to an agency in their home community.
Media Contact | Michael Bratton | mbratto@bgsu.edu | 419-372-6349
Updated: 01/13/2021 02:57PM