Monitoring the Future

A continuing study of American Youth (MTF) began in 1975 as a repeated annual survey on values, attitudes, and lifestyle orientations of high school seniors in the U.S.  Each year, a nationally representative sample of 12th graders completes the survey, producing 30 years of annual snapshots of high school seniors.  In 2008, about 14,600 12th graders from 130 high schools were surveyed. Additionally, a subset of each annual sample is re-interviewed biannually for twelve years and every five years thereafter, producing longitudinal data.  Since 1991, MTF has included nationally representative samples of 8th through 10th graders to examine the experiences of young adolescents.

The spreadsheet contains detailed information on the following...

  • Question wording
  • Responses
  • Variable name
  • Year and form number
Suggested Citation:

National Center for Family & Marriage Research. Measures Snapshots. Pilot Data: Name of Data Set. Retrieved from

Updated: 10/08/2020 02:08PM