Dr. Jeffrey Snyder


  • Position: Associate Professor
  • Phone: 419-372-0533
  • Email: jasnyd@bgsu.edu
  • Address: Room 331, Hayes Hall

Education & Experience:

Ph.D., Geological Sciences, Ohio State University (1996)
M.S., Geological Sciences, University of Colorado (1991)
B.S., Geological Sciences, Lehigh University  (1988)

Specialty Areas of Interest:

Glacial and Quaternary geology
Diatom analysis

Recent and Current Research or Grants:

United States National Science Foundation, EAR – Global Change:  Collaborative Research:  Characterizing Arctic Climate Extremes from the Pliocene to the Present: the view from Lake El’gygytgyn, western Beringia.  1 September 2012 – 1 September 2015.  Amount funded:  $150,000.

United States National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs: Collaborative Research: Millennial-scale Arctic Climate Change for the last 3.6 My: Scientific Drilling at Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia. 1 September 2007 – 1 September 2011.  Amount funded:  122K.

United States National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs. Collaborative Research: Weichselian glaciation and deglaciation history, northeastern Kola and Kanin Peninsula, Russia. 1 April 2001 - 31 March 2005. Amount funded: $160,402.

Recent Peer Reviewed Publications and Submissions:

Snyder, J. A., Cherepanova, M. V., and Bryan, A.  (2013) Dynamic diatom response to changing climate 0-1.2 Ma at Lake El’gygytgyn, Far East Russian Arctic.  Climates of the Past  9, 1309-1319.

Brigham-Grette, Melles, Minyuk, Andreev, Tarasov, DeConto, Koenig, Nowaczyk, Wennrich, Rosén, Haltia-Hovi, Cook, Gebhardt, Meyer-Jacob, Snyder, Herzschuh (2013). Pliocene Warmth, extreme Polar Amplification, and Stepped Pleistocene Cooling recorded in NE Russia.  Science 340, 1421-1427.

Chapligin, B.; Meyer, H.; Bryan, A.; Snyder, J.; Kemnitz, H. (2012): Assessment of purification and contamination correction methods for analyzing the oxygen isotope composition from biogenic silica, Chemical Geology, 300-301, 185-199.

Seppa H, MacDonald GM, Birks HJB, Gervais BR, and Snyder JA (2008)  Late-Quaternary summer temperature changes in the northern-European tree-line region.  Quaternary Research, 69  404-412.

Cherepanova , M. V., Snyder, J. A., Brigham-Grette, J. (2007).  Diatom stratigraphy of the last 250ka at Lake El’gygytgyn, northeast Siberia. Journal of Paleolimnology 37, 155-162.

MacDonald, G. M., Edwards, T. W. D., Gervais, B., Laing, T. E., Pisaric, M. F. J., Porinchu, D., Snyder, J., Solovieva, N., Tarasov, G., and Wolfe, B. (2004). Recent paleolimnological research from northern Russian Eurasia. In: Pienitz, R.,
Douglas, M. S. V., and Smol, J. P (eds.). Long-Term Environmental Change in Arctic and Antarctic Lakes. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Forman, S. L., Lubinski, D., Ingólfsson, O., Zeeberg, J. J., Snyder, J. A., and Matishov, G. (2004). A review of postglacial emergence on Svalbard, Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, northern Eurasia. Quaternary Science Reviews 23, 1391-1434.

Kremenetski, K. V., MacDonald, G. M., Gervais, B. R., Borisova, O. K., and Snyder, J. A. (2004). Holocene vegetation history and climate change on the northern Kola Peninsula, Russia: a case study from a small tundra lake. Quaternary
International 122, 57-68.

Weckström, J., Snyder, J. A., Korhola, A., Laing, T. E., and MacDonald, G. M.(2003). Diatom inferred acidity history of 32 lakes on the Kola Peninsula, Russia. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 149, 333-361.

Wolfe, B. B., Edwards, T. W. E., Jiang, H., MacDonald, G. M., Gervais, B. R. and Snyder, J. A. (2003). Paleoceanographic influence on early-mid Holocene paleohydrology at treeline Kola Peninsula, Russia. The Holocene 13, 153-160.

Gervais, B. R., MacDonald, G. M., Snyder, J. A., and Kremenetski, C. V. (2002). Pinus sylvestris treeline development and movement on the Kola Peninsula of Russia: pollen and stomate evidence. Journal of Ecology 90, 627-638.

Snyder, J. A., Wasylik, K., Fritz, S. C., & Wright, H. E., Jr. (2001). Diatom-based conductivity reconstructions and paleoclimatic interpretations of a 40-ka record from Lake Zeribar, Iran. The Holocene 11, 737-745.

Snyder, J. A., MacDonald, G. M., Forman, S. L., Tarasov, G. A. and Mode, W. N. (2000). Postglacial climate and vegetation history, north-central Kola Peninsula, Russia: pollen and diatom records from Lake Yarnyshnoe-3. Boreas 29, 261-271.

Snyder, J. A., Werner, A., and Miller, G. H. (2000). Holocene cirque glacier activity in western Spitsbergen, Svalbard: sediment records from proglacial Linnévatnet. The Holocene 10, 555-563.

Blom, T., Korhola, A., Weckström, J., Laing, T., Snyder, J., MacDonald, G. & Smol, J. (2000). Physical and chemical characterization of small subarctic headwater lakes in Finnish Lapland and the Kola Peninsula. Verhandlungen Internationale
Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie 27, 316-320.

MacDonald, G. M., Gervais, B., Snyder, J. A., Tarasov, G. A., and Borisova, O. A. (2000). Radiocarbon dated Pinus sylvestris L. wood from beyond treeline on the Kola Peninsula, Russia. The Holocene 10, 143-147.

Updated: 02/05/2025 11:17AM