Meghan Miller

meghan millerMeghan Miller is a senior architecture major, and her path to graduation has taken its own twists and turns. She started at BGSU six years ago but dropped out – she said she “just wasn’t ready.” Before coming back to school, Miller thought hard about what she wanted to do with the rest of her life. She was inspired to continue in architecture because of “the real social change you can make.”

Miller talked about her connections with her professors, and how they encouraged her as she worked to complete her degree.

“Scot MacPherson was a huge help,” she said. “He knew that I had failed before, and he pushed me hard so that I would do my best. He still does that. He pushes more than everybody else, but I need it and I really appreciate it.”

Studio time has been central to her experience at BGSU since students not only work on real-world projects, but it “has also been a great way for our program to bond and make friends.”

In her junior year, she and a partner designed for Junction Park, a neighborhood in Toledo that is the focus of redevelopment. When they had the opportunity to present their project, she said the Junction neighborhood partners loved how passionate the team were about bringing life back into that area of Toledo.

Although her start at BGSU may have been interrupted, Miller now has a 3.96 GPA and intends to apply to graduate school. After obtaining a graduate degree, she wants to get licensed and join a firm to put her education into practice.

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Updated: 11/22/2022 01:54PM