Professor, Department of Psychology
B.A., Oberlin College;
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1987

Phone: (419) 372-2278
Office: Room 243, Psychology Building
Lab Page:  Link

Taking Graduate Students? No
Sponsoring Undergraduate Research? No

Research Interests:

The development of community interventions for individuals with schizophrenia and their families; the influence of social networks and family relationships on psychological well-being in adulthood.

Teaching Philosophy:

I try to create a classroom environment where students can translate their implicit theories, observations and experiences into the language of psychology. My goal is to help students to master new ways of thinking about behavior and to integrate what they are learning into their existing knowledge base. In graduate teaching, I work to create opportunities for students to recognize and build upon their skills as researchers and clinicians. For me, creating such educational settings requires that I listen and learn as much as lecture and know. Teaching is a deeply personal experience that allows me to share my expertise, my respect for the strengths of students, and the excitement that I have for psychology.

Selected Publications:

Stein, C. H., Griffith, F. J., Rudd, M. F. & Kalantzis, M. A. (2023; in press). What should I say? Online dating and disclosure experiences of adults with mental illness in long-term romantic relationships.  Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology.

Walker, K., & Stein, C. H. (2021). Young adult children of mothers coping with mood disorders: Maternal relationship quality, family stigma, and psychological well-being. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30 (10), 2440-2451.

Griffith, F. J., & Stein, C. H. (2021). Behind the hashtag: Online disclosure of mental illness and community response on Tumblr. American Journal of Community Psychology, 67, (3-4), 419-432.

Dulek, E. B., Russin, S. E., Rudd, M. F., Griffith, F. J., & Stein, C. H. (2021). Personal loss, parental relationships, and caregiving intentions among adult siblings of individuals with mental illness. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30 (6), 1607-1618.

Russin, S. E., & Stein, C. H. (2021). The aftermath of trauma and abuse and the impact on family: A narrative literature review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 23(4), 1288 – 1301. doi: 10.1177/1524838021995990. Online ahead of print.

Stein, C. H., Gonzales, S. M, Walker, K., Benoit, M. F., & Russin, S. E. (2020). Self and sibling care attitudes, personal loss, and stress-related growth among siblings of adults with mental illness. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 90 (6), 799 – 809.

Stein, C. H., Hartl Majcher, J., Froemming, M. W., Greenberg, S. C., Benoit, M. F., Gonzales, S. M., Petrowski, C. E., Mattei, G. M., & Dulek, E. B. (2019). Community psychology, digital technology, and loss: Remembrance activities of young adults who have experienced the death of a close friend. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 29 (4), 257-272.

Courses Taught:

  • PSYC 1010 General Psychology (undergraduate)
  • PSYC 3080 Introduction to Clinical Psychology (undergraduate)
  • PSYC 7040 Ethics and Professional Issues (graduate)
  • PSYC 7810 Feminist Psychology and Diversity (graduate)
  • PSYC 7090 Advanced Clinical-Community Research and Practice Team (graduate)
  • PSYC 7181 Community Psychology (graduate)
  • PSYC 7810 Social Systems Assessment (graduate)
  • PSYC 6090 Clinical Interviewing (graduate)

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Updated: 07/31/2024 09:59AM