2022 WGSS Symposium
Thank you for registering!
WGSS Symposium Keynote Event featuring Dr. Elizabeth Pellerito
March 24, 2022 | 4:30-6:00 p.m. | Bowen-Thompson Student Union, room 207
If you are joining via Zoom, here is your link and passcode:
Meeting ID: 894 1980 3620
Passcode: 605804
Bookmark this webpage for future reference. This information will also be sent to you as a reminder when we get closer to the event.
Organized by the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program, with generous funding from the Stoddard O’Neill CCS Fund, the Department of Higher Education and Student Affairs, and the Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship.
Updated: 03/18/2022 03:50PM