CCS Course Offerings

2022 Summer CCS Undergraduate Courses

General reminders when searching for online classes:

  • Select the appropriate course career (Graduate or Undergraduate)
  • Change the campus from Main Campus to Distance Learning (or select All)
  • Click the “Search” button at the bottom of the page

Summer Session 6W 1

ACS 3000 101W 40066
U.S. Music Scenes and Subcultures

Steven Stendebach | Online | 6W1 05/16 - 06/24

ACS 3000 102W 42033/WS 3000 101W 42211
Gender/Indentity in U.S. Comics

Bryan Bove | Online | 6W1 05/16 - 06/24

ETHN 3000 101W 42454
Race and Sports

Tom Edge | Online | 6W1 05/16 - 06/24

POPC 4600 101W 41681
The Female Detective

Becca Cragin | Online | 6W1 05/16 - 06/24

BG Perspective Courses (BGP):

ACS 2000 101W 40062
Introduction to American Culture Studies
Rob Sloane | Online | 6W1 05/16 - 06/24

ACS 2500 101W 40063
Cultural Pluralism in US
Sarah Ford | Online | 6W1 05/16 - 06/24

POPC 1600 101W 40890
Intro to Popular Culture
Jeff Brown | Online | 6W1 05/16 - 06/24

POPC 1650 101W 41130
Popular Culture and Media
Matt Donahue | Online | 6W1 05/16 - 06/24

POPC 1700 101W 41132
Black Popular Culture
Angela Nelson | Online | 6W1 05/16 - 06/24

WS 2000 101W 41133
Intro to Women's Studies
Opportune Zongo | Online | 6W1 05/16 - 06/24

Summer Session 6W 2

ACS 3000 103W 41068
The 50's in American Popular Culture

Logan Johnson | Online | 6W2 06/27 - 08/5

ACS 3000 104W 40832/WS 3000 102W 42212
Gender and Migration

Gizem Iscan | Online | 6W2 06/27 - 08/5

POPC 2800 101W 42053
Intro to Popular Music
Matt Donahue | Online | 6W2 06/27- 08/5

POPC 4600 102W 42210
Memoirs of Illness & Addiction
Montana Miller | Online | 6W2 06/27- 08/5

BG Perspective Courses (BGP):

ACS 2500 102W 40064
Cultural Pluralism in US
Mohammad Rahman | Online | 6W2 06/27 - 08/5

ETHN 1010 401W 40165
Intro to Ethnic Studies
Tim Messer-Kruse | Online | 6W2 06/27- 08/5

POPC 1600 103W 41687
Intro to Popular Culture
Kristen Rudisill | Online | 6W2 06/27- 08/5

POPC 1650 103W 41685
Popular Culture and Media
Chuck Coletta | Online | 6W2 06/27- 08/5

WS 2000 403W 41066
Intro to Women's Studies
Dylan Miller| Online | 6W2 06/27- 08/5

Updated: 06/06/2023 02:15PM