Invited Book Talk with Dr. Edwards

4:30 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.

Join Emily Lynell Edwards, Ph.D., as she discusses her book, Digital Islamophobia: Tracking A Far-Right Crisis (De Gruyter, 2023) which explores far-right, anti-Muslim networks on Twitter and how these communities grow, develop, and circulate hate-speech. Digital Islamophobia details how far-right politics are increasingly transnationalized among American, German, Indian and Nigerian users and provides policy-makers, researchers, and scholars with a potential road-map to stem the tide of online extremism.

Emily Lynell Edwards, a 2021 graduate of the American Culture Studies Doctoral Program at BGSU, is an Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities and Educational Technologist at St. Francis College in Brooklyn, NY. She currently serves as co-director of the grant Digital Humanities Across the Curriculum
(DHAC), funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).  

Hors d'oeuvres will be served following Dr. Edwards' talk. Please contact with any questions.  

Emily Lynell Edwards, a 2021 graduate of the American Culture Studies Doctoral Program at BGSU, is an Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities and Educational Technologist at St. Francis College in Brooklyn, NY. She currently serves as co-director of the grant Digital Humanities Across the Curriculum (DHAC), funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). She is also a General Editor at Digital Humanities Quarterly (DHQ). Her research focuses on the intersection of digital media, technologies, and platforms, and race, gender, and politics in global contexts. Her work has appeared in journals such as New Media + Society, Communication, Culture and Critique, and Glocalism: Journal of culture, politics and innovation. Her book, Digital Islamophobia: Tracking a Far-Right Crisis, has come out with De Gruyter in the fall of 2023.



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Updated: 05/20/2024 12:41PM