Freshwater Algae Links
BGSU Diatom Image Archive
Our archive of digitized images
Michael R. Martin's Phytoplankton Image Library
Light micrographs of numerous species of phytoplankton from several divisions.
Paleolimnology/Diatom Home Page
Roger Sweets' Home Page at the Indiana University. This has links for diatoms and paleolimnology/ecology.
California Academy of Science Diatom Collection
Searchable databases of their diatom and literature holdings. An online version of their Diatom Genus Project is being prepared.
Diatom Biovolume Software
An access point to download David Kirtschtel's diatom biovolume software. Loras College Fresh Water Diatom collection A catalog of Dave Czarnecki's cultured fresh diatoms at Loras College (appx. 1200 isolates of 64 genera and 350 species/varieties).
Atlas of Microorganisms
Contains representative images of protozoans, algae, rotifers, and bacteria.
University of Toronto Culture Collection of Algae and Cyanobacteria
Information on their holdings, ordering, and culturing techniques.
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Updated: 01/30/2023 12:11PM