Melissa Keith
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
B.A., Saint Louis University
M.S., Ph.D., Purdue University
Phone: (419) 372-2371
Office: Room 247, Psychology Building
Lab Page: N/A
Taking Graduate Students? Yes
Sponsoring Undergraduate Research? No
Undergraduate Resources: How to Apply to Graduate School
Research Interests:
- Creativity
- Motivation
- Online Samples in Psychological Research
- Work in the Gig Economy
My current research program is focused broadly on the topics of creativity, motivation, online samples in psychological research, and the gig economy. With respect to creativity, my work focuses on how motivation theory and research can be leveraged to enhance engagement in the creative process and creative performance. I am also interested in a range of topics relating to personal and contextual predictors of creative performance, as well as, creativity measurement. My research on the gig economy began with a narrower interest in online participants as workers. This work has resulted in a broader interest in gig worker experiences and well-being.
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Selected Publications:
Keith, M. G., Freier, L., Childers, M., Ponce-Pore, I., & Brooks, S. (2024). What makes creative ideas risky? The influence of idea novelty and usefulness on perceptions of risk. Journal of Creative Behavior. Advance Online Publication.
Montag-Smit, T., & Keith, M. G. (2023). Changes in positive and negative affect during creative process engagement. Journal of Creative Behavior, 57(4), 690-710.
Keith, M. G., & Jagacinski, C. M. (2023). Tell me what to do not how to do it: Influence of creative outcome and process goals on creative performance. Journal of Creative Behavior. 57(2), 285-304.
Keith, M. G., & Ponce-Pore, I. (2023). Creativity in the gig economy: Opportunities for creativity researchers in the new world of work. In R. Reiter-Palmon & S. Hunter (Eds.) Handbook of Organizational Creativity: Leadership, Interventions, and Macro Level Issues (pp. 145-160). Elsevier.
Zickar, M. J., & Keith, M. G. (2023). Innovations in sampling: Improving the appropriateness and quality of samples in organizational research. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 10, 315-337.
Keith, M. G., Stevenor, B. A., & McAbee, S. T. (2023). Scale mean and variance differences in MTurk and non-MTurk samples: A meta-analysis. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 22(1), 1-12.
Keith, M. G., Harms, P.D., & Long, A. C. (2020). Worker health and well-being in the gig economy: A proposed framework and research agenda. In P. L. Perrewé, P. D. Harms, & C.-H. Chang (Eds). Research in Occupational Stress and Well-Being (Vol. 18, pp. 1-34). Emerald Publishing.
Porter, C. M., Keith, M. G., & Woo, S. E. (2020). A meta-analysis of network positions and creative performance: Differentiating creativity conceptualizations and measurement approaches. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and Arts, 14(1), 50-67.
Keith, M. G., Harms, P. D. & Tay, L. (2019). Mechanical Turk and the gig economy: Exploring differences between gig workers. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 34(4), 286-306.
Courses Taught:
- PSYC 7580 Motivation & Morale
- PSYC 7560 Staffing
- PSYC 7800 EEO Law
- PSYC 6500 Contemporary Issues in the World of Work
- PSYC 3580 Psychology of the Workplace
Updated: 12/04/2024 10:29AM