Our graduate students and faculty regularly collaborate on research and coauthor and present papers and posters, addressing specific topics related to the study of human behavior, at national conferences, workshops and professional meetings.

Population Association of America (#PAA2017)

Posters addressing specific topics related to family structure and well-being given by NCFMR and CFDR staff, faculty affiliates, and students during Population Association of America's (PAA) annual meetings. PAA is a non-profit, scientific, professional organization that promotes research on population issues.

April 27 - 29, 2017
Chicago, IL

Bold indicates graduate student

Poster Presenters

Lindsey M. Cooper, Wendy D. Manning, Monica A. Longmore, & Peggy C. Giordano

Wendy Manning, Kara Joyner, Paul Hemez, & Cassandra Cupka

        #PAA2017 Poster Winners!         

(l to r) Paul Hemez, Cassandra Cupka, Wendy Manning, & Kara Joyner

Kei Nomaguchi, Marshal Neal Fettro, & Lindsey Aldrich

Paper Presenters

Updated: 08/20/2021 04:19PM