BGSU Graduate and Professional School Fair | Sept. 30

Is grad school in your future?  Not sure what's next after earning your bachelor's degree? Can you afford grad school?

If you have questions, we may have the answers.  Join us for the chance to meet and talk with faculty and students from BGSU graduate programs as well as representatives from graduate and professional schools across the U.S.

Additionally, be sure to attend our presentations focused on answering questions about your graduate school journey.

This is your once-in-a-school-year chance to access the greatest gathering of grad school resources on BGSU's campus!

Graduate and Professional School Fair on-campus

At the on-campus Graduate and Professional School Fair, you have the opportunity to meet directly with faculty and staff from BGSU graduate programs as well as invited representatives from graduate and professional schools across the U.S.* Take time to explore all of the different graduate educational opportunities.  Register to receive reminders and important information regarding the fair.

Monday, Sept. 30
12-2 p.m.
Bowen-Thompson Student Union Ballroom


*Representative link will be provided approximately 2 weeks prior to the fair.

Graduate and Professional School Fair on-campus presentations

Make sure to find time to attend the presentations aimed to provide insight about applying to graduate school and what it is like to be a graduate student.  

Insider's Guide: Applying to Graduate School

11 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Bowen-Thompson Student Union Theater, Room 206

Come early to gain an insider's perspective on the graduate admissions process.  We'll share 10 basic steps to apply to graduate and professional school, followed by a Q&A.

Funding Your Graduate Degree

11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Bowen-Thompson Student Union Theater, Room 206

Join us to learn about a variety of ways you can fund your graduate school education.

Life Design and Grad School

12 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Bowen-Thompson Student Union Theater, Room 206

See how design thinking can assist you on your graduate education journey.

Have questions about graduate school, but can't make the Graduate and Professional School Fair?  Don't worry!  You can connect directly with Graduate Admissions: or 419-372-2791.

Updated: 08/09/2024 10:49AM