Wes Siscoe


  • Position: Assistant Professor of Philosophy
    Areas of Research: Political Philosophy; Ethics; Epistemology
  • Email: rsiscoe@bgsu.edu
  • Address: 304 Shatzel Hall

Wes Siscoe works on issues in political philosophy, ethics, and epistemology. He is also Editor in Chief and Founder of the Philosophy Teaching Library.  

His research has appeared in Mind, Noûs, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Philosophical Studies, Philosophers’ Imprint, and the Australasian Journal of Philosophy, amongst other venues, and his work has been supported by a number of fellowships, grants, and awards, totaling over $125,000 in external funding. His work on public philosophy has been featured at the Prindle Post, and he is also a pedagogy contributor at the Blog of the APA, the Daily Nous, PEA Soup, the Philosopher’s Cocoon. 

Before coming to Bowling Green, Wes was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Virtues & Vocations Project at the University of Notre Dame, a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Cologne's Center for Contemporary Epistemology and the Kantian Tradition, a Dean's Postdoctoral Fellow at Florida State University, and the Mellon Course Design Coordinator for the Philosophy as a Way of Life Project.  He received his PhD in philosophy from the University of Arizona, and has also spent time as a visiting researcher at Brown, Notre Dame, and Rutgers.

Personal website: www.wessiscoe.com

Selected Publications:

Awareness by Degree | Philosophy & Phenomenological Research, w/ Paul Silva  (forthcoming)

Ignorance & Awareness | Nous, w/ Paul Silva (2024) 58.1: 225-243

The Unity of the Ideal Virtues | Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (forthcoming)

Knowledge, True Belief, & the Gradability of Ignorance | Philosophical Studies (2024) 181: 893-916

The Epistemic Aims of Democracy | Philosophy Compass (2023) 18.11: e12941

Being Rational Enough | Australasian Journal of Philosophy (2023) 101.1: 111-127

Belief, Rational & Justified | Mind (2021) 130.517: 59-83

Stoic Virtue: A Contemporary Interpretation | Philosopher’s Imprint (2020) 20.18: 1-20

The Demandingness of Virtue | Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy (2020) 18.1: 1-22

Updated: 12/02/2024 11:48AM