2016 PAA Presenters
Bowling Green State University will be well presented at this year's annual meeting of the Population Association of America in Washington, DC, March 31-April 2, 2016. A full list of the presenters can be found here. To view the posters that will be presented by BGSU researchers, please click on the photos below.
"Later Life Marital Dissolution and Re-Partnering Pathways: A National Portrait"
Susan Brown, I-Fen Lin, Anna Hammersmith, Matthew Wright
"Living Apart Together (LAT) Relationships in the U.S."
Susan Brown, Wendy Manning, Krista Payne, Huijing Wu
"The Shifting Geography of Divorce: Divorce Rates Across Counties and States 2000-2010"
Wendy Manning, Krista Payne, Gwen Zugarek, Bart Stykes
"A National Portrait of Parenthood Among Middle-Aged Adults: 1992–2010"
Cassandra Cupka, Huijing Wu
"Occupational Status, Gender and Work-Family Conflict"
Vanessa Lang, Kei Nomaguchi
"Motherhood and Intimate Partner Violence Among Young Adults"
Sue Nash, Monica Longmore, Peggy Giordano, Wendy Manning, Karen Guzzo
"Asymmetries and Relationship Functioning in Young Adulthood"
Lindsey Cooper, Wendy Manning, Monica Longmore, Peggy Giordano
Measuring the Distal Determinants of Unintended Fertility Across Three Datasets
Sarah Hayford, Karen Guzzo, Vanessa Lang, Sarah Garver
Updated: 12/13/2019 11:30AM