Clubs and Events
Weekly Calendar
Colloquium Series
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics has a colloquium series during the academic year featuring local and out-of-town speakers. Generally, the talks are scheduled on Friday at 3:45 PM in Room 459 of the Math Science Building and refreshments are served at 3:30 PM. The following calendar gives the current schedule of talks. Please click on the title of the talks listed on the calendar for more information including the title and abstract. Please scroll to the bottom of this page for Driving Directions if you are traveling to BGSU for a colloquium talk.
Driving Directions: If you are driving to the department, please stop by the visitor center to purchase a temporary parking permit, and we will gladly reimburse the cost together with the other expenses.
Directions to the visitor center: After getting off I-75, head west on Wooster St. At the first intersection, you will see the sign "Bowling Green State University". Make a right turn at the sign and you will see the visitor center ahead of you.
Directions from the visitor center to the department: Following is a a link to Google map directions from the visitor center to the department building, where "A" is the visitor center, and the building at "B", marked with "Mathematical Sciences Bldg" is where the the department is. All the faculty offices are on the fourth floor.
Where to park: As can be seen from NorthWest corner of this campus map, the two parking lots Lot R and Lot H are closest to the department. If lot H is full, there would be available spots in Lot R. But if Lot R is full, you can also park in Lot S which is East of Lot R.
If you are using a GPS: you can input the nearest intersections as your destinations.
Destination 1 (visitor center) : Alumni Drive & Stadium Drive in Bowling Green, OH;
Destination 2 (Math Department): N College Drive & E Merry Avenue.
Please email the chair of the colloquium committee, Wei Ning, at wning (at) if you have any questions.
Graduate Student Seminars
Like fall 2016, the spring 2017 semester is a talk free-for-all: anyone may give a talk on any topic, as long as it relates to Math & Stats in some way. Even if it doesn't relate to math or stats, as long as it's given by a grad student, it's probably fine. Contact Dave Walmsley (, Mark Medwid (, or Jake Laubacher ( if you would like to give a talk!
Click here to see the schedule of events
Student Clubs and Meetings
Actuarial Science Club

Actuarial Science Club is an organization dedicated to promoting knowledge about the Actuarial Science program and career field. The organization strives to share information about helpful elective courses, provide opportunities to develop needed skills, prepare members for actuarial exams, help students obtain internships, and allow opportunities to network.
Events vary throughout the year. During the fall, Actuarial Science Club typically hosts various companies to talk with our students about their experiences in the actuarial field and to seek potential interns and employees. Our club also hosts workshops to learn more about Excel, R, and SAS. For the past two years, our organization has also attended the Midwest Actuarial Student Conference, last year in Ann Arbor, MI and this year in Chicago, IL.
Math Club

Dr. Mihai Staic and Dr. Kim Rogers team up to spearhead a new initiative in the Department of Math and Statistics by pioneering a Math Club! This mission is intended to greater serve the student body and create an environment conducive for the math community to collaborate.
“The department wants to provide a time and space for math majors, minors, prospective math teachers, and any math-interested people to get to know one another and the Math & Stats faculty better,” stated Rogers. “Although the club is catered toward math-related students, all students are welcome to attend.”
The meetings are a time to play board games, solve logic puzzles, explore fun and interesting problems, and enjoy some good eats together. Meetings usually last about an hour but people are always welcome to hang out longer or come and go as they please.
The BGSU Math Club holds monthly meetings throughout the year.
Updated: 09/22/2020 03:49PM