BGSU Automated Mathematics Placement Calculator

BGSU automated mathematics placement

This page is intended only to give an idea how automated mathematics placements correspond to incoming scores like ACT Math and high school GPA. It does not substitute for the automated placement given directly by BGSU. It is very important to note that the placement calculator assumes high school GPAs are on a 4-point scale. This includes "weighted" 4-point scales in which extra points are given for honors or AP courses, so the GPA can be a number larger than 4. If the high school uses a different scale, you will need to convert to a 4-point scale instead.

ACT Math score:
SAT Math score (if no ACT Math score is available):

High school GPA on a 4-point scale: (overall GPA, not just the GPA in math classes)

Resulting placement code:

Courses that can be taken:

Read this page for more information: Mathematics placement at BGSU.

Last updated April 22, 2020 by Craig L. Zirbel.

Updated: 03/15/2021 08:34AM