Dr. Kurt S. Panter
Education & Experience:
Ph.D., New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology, Socorro, New Mexico (1995)
M.S., New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology, Socorro, New Mexico (1990)
B.A., Geology, Western State College of Colorado (1986)
Professor, Department of Geology, Bowling Green State University (2018-)
Associate Professor, Department of Geology, Bowling Green State University (2006-2018)
Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Bowling Green State University (2000-06)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Western State College of Colorado (1998-00)
Postdoctoral Research Associate, New Mexico Institute of Mining & Tech. (1995-97)
Geology Instructor, Western State College of Colorado (1993)
Physical Science Technician, Eastern Mineral Recourses, USGS Reston, VA (1986-87)
Specialty Areas of Interest:
Igneous Petrology – origin and evolution of alkaline magmas, magma mixing
Geochemistry – major and trace elements, mineral chemistry, isotopes
Volcanology – physical volcanology, stratigraphy, glacial-volcanic interaction
Current BGSU Courses:
Igneous Petrology - Ugrad/Grad
Volcanology – Ugrad/Grad
Recent and Current Research or Grants:
Investigating Early Miocene sub-ice volcanoes in Antarctica to provide boundary conditions for ice sheet dynamic models and improved understanding of a large diffuse alkaline magmatic province. NSF-PLR 1443576. Collaborator: John L. Smellie (University of Leicester, UK)
Collaborative Research: Geochemical transect from oceanic Adare Basin to adjacent continental Adare Peninsula: implications for the origin of intraplate (HIMU-like) alkaline magmas, NSF ANT-0943274. Collaborator: Paterno Castillo (Scripps Institute of Oceanography, CA).
Recent Peer Reviewed Publications and Submissions:
Saalfeld, M.A., Kelly, D.F., Panter, K.S. (2019), Insight on magma evolution and storage through the recent eruptive history of Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 93, 85-101. doi:https//doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2019.04.019.
Panter, K.S., Castillo, P., Krans, S., Deering, C., McIntosh, W., Valley, J., Kitajima, K., Kyle, P., Hart, S., Blusztajn J. (2018), Melt origin across a rifted continental margin: a case for subduction-related metasomatic agents in the lithospheric source of alkaline basalt, northwestern Ross Sea, Antarctica. Journal of Petrology 59 (3), 517-558, doi.org/10.1093/petrology/egy036
Field, B., Browne, G., Fielding, C., Florindo, F., Harwood, D., Judge, S., Krissek, L., Panter, K., Passchier, S., Pekar, S., Sandroni, S., Talarico, F. (2018), A sedimentological record of Early Miocene ice advance and retreat, AND-2A drill hole, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Geosphere, doi.org/10.1130/GES01592.1
Avery, M., Panter K.S., Gorsevski, P.V. (2017), Distinguishing styles of explosive eruptions at Erebus, Redoubt and Taupo volcanoes using multivariate analysis of ash morphometrics, Journal Volcanology & Geothermal Research, 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2017.01.010
Levy, R., Harwood, D., Florindo, F., et al. (Panter, K. is 23rd author) (2016) Antarctic ice sheet sensitivity to atmospheric CO2 variations during the early to mid-Miocene, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, 3453-3458. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1516030113.
Gorsevski, P.V., Brown, K.M., Panter, K., Onasch, C.M., Simic, A., Snyder, J. (2015) Landslide detection and susceptibility mapping using LiDAR and artificial neural network approach: a case study in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio, Landslides 13(3), 467-484, doi: 10.1007/s10346-015-0587-0.
Gorsevski P.V., Fu Y., Panter K.S., Snyder J., Ramanayake A.M. (2019), Seasonal Hydrological Loading from GPS Observed Data Across Contiguous United States Using Integrated Apache Hadoop Framework. In: El-Askary H., Lee S., Heggy E., Pradhan B. (Eds), Advances in Remote Sensing and Geo Informatics Applications. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development). Springer, Cham., 45-47, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-01440-7_11.
Dunbar, N.W., McIntosh, W.C., Love, D.L., Panter, K.S., Hallett, B. (2016) Two eruptive episodes for the Los Lunas Volcano: geochemistry and 40Ar/39Ar age determination using electron microprobe sample evaluation. In: Frey, B.A., Karlstrom, K.E., Lucas, S.G., William, S., Zeigler, K., McLemore, V., Ulmer-Scholle, D.S. (editors), New Mexico Geological Society Fall Field Conference Guidebook – 67 Geology of the Belen Area, 512 pp.
Panter, K.S., Reindel, J., Smellie, J.L. (2019), Chapter 5.3b Mt. Early & Sheridan Bluff II. Petrology. In: J.L. Smellie, K.S. Panter, A. Geyer (Eds.), Volcanism in Antarctica: 200 Million Years of Subduction, Rifting and Continental Break-Up, Geological Society of London Memoir Series. Accepted April 17, 2019
Smellie, J.L., Panter, K.S., Reindel, J. (2019), Chapter 5.3a Mt. Early & Sheridan Bluff I. Volcanology. In: J.L. Smellie, K.S. Panter, A. Geyer (Eds.), Volcanism in Antarctica: 200 Million Years of Subduction, Rifting and Continental Break-Up, Geological Society of London Memoir Series. Accepted December 10, 2018
Updated: 05/04/2020 01:32PM