Section 3.7


Chairs/directors are expected to inform the Dean's office when they will be out of town or otherwise not available on campus and to report the faculty member appointed to act on their behalf. Information as to where you can be reached in case of an emergency should also be reported.

Chairs/Directors on fiscal year contracts are to file a vacation/sick leave report form each year. Such reports are necessitated by the state's auditing system. 


When any faculty member is ill or there is a serious illness or death in the family of a faculty member, it is important that this information be shared as quickly as possible with the College office.

The University's Long-Term Sick Leave Approval Form must be completed whenever a faculty member is unable to meet teaching obligations necessitating a paid substitute.

Administrative staff within departments/schools are required to fill out a Leave Reporting Form for any absence. Chairs/directors are responsible for verifying the report before it is forwarded to Payroll.

Updated: 08/21/2018 01:29PM