Section 9.3


The Charter affirms that the primary responsibility for the classroom environment rests with the instructor and acknowledges that membership in the academic profession carries with it special responsibilities. The following statements describing faculty-student relations are an accepted part of a faculty member's responsibilities as teacher-scholars:

  • A faculty member is responsible for conducting his/her assigned course in conformity with the format and content of the course description as approved by existing college and university committees.
  • A faculty member must be free, within understood limits, to select and present material in the way s/he deems best.
  • A faculty member should, at the beginning of each academic term, inform his/her class in writing about the course in reasonably full detail so that students will know:  a) the intent and expectations of the course, b) the number, frequency, and weighting of examinations, c) the basis for assigning grades, and d) all other course related requirements (e.g., attendance policy, "incompletes," etc.).
  • A faculty member is responsible for meeting assigned classes at approved and published times and places.
  • A faculty member should inform, in advance, the department chair/school director when s/he or the assistant under his/her supervision is unable to meet a class.
  • A faculty member is required to hold final examinations at published times and places in accordance with the final examination schedule. It is strongly recommended that neither major exams nor projects be scheduled during the last week of the term.
  • A faculty member should assign grades in accordance with an appropriate grading standard and on the basis of clearly announced criteria.
  • A faculty member is expected to provide sufficient and appropriate regular meeting times in his/her office for students who may have need of individual counseling regarding progress in the class and the understanding of course material.
  • A faculty member may not allow for special preferences regarding course expectations and grades to be given to individual students unless all students in the class are given the same opportunity.
  • A faculty member should keep the department chair/school director informed about incidents involving any intimidation or interference on the part of students with the conduct of classes.

NOTE:  Individual departments/schools may wish to add to these statements on faculty-student relations. Every effort, however, should be made to exclude provisions that set standards or norms for behavior of faculty as citizens of a community or that would attempt to govern individual preferences and private behavior that do not affect campus or classroom activities. See the Faculty Handbook for additional statements.


Updated: 08/21/2018 01:31PM