Peter Kimosop

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  • Position: Instructor
  • Phone: 419-372-4142
  • Email:
  • Address: Room 300, Hanna Hall


Ph.D., Geography, University of Cincinnati, 2010
M.A., Geography, Western Michigan University, 2005
, Geography and Mathematics, University of Nairobi, 2000

Specialty Areas of Interest:

Geographic Information Systems
Remote Sensing
Global Climate Change
Water Resource Management

Current BGSU Courses:

GEOG 1250: Weather and Climate
GEOG 1210: World Regional: Eurasia/Africa
GEOG 3000: Geospatial Sciences

Teaching and Research Interests:

My goal as an instructor is to inspire, challenge, and to teach my students how to think critically. It is my hope that students will learn more about this world and how it operates through my classes. This is what motivates me to work harder everyday and to continue teaching because I believe that the future of our planet depends on how we prepare our students in solving problems that affect us now and in the future.

My research interests are somewhat eclectic, but fit broadly under the umbrella of the human-environmental interaction. My other areas of interest include geospatial science, spatial modeling, remote sensing, water resource management, and global climate changes. For example, I have been involved in research on developing a comprehensive hydrological model for the Kerio Basin, Kenya; the impacts of land use and land cover change on water resources in the Kerio Basin, Kenya; and the effect of land use and land cover change on sediment and nutrient loadings in the Davis Creek Watershed, in Southwestern Michigan. It is my intention to continue pursuing research in the realm of human-environmental interaction to better understand how we are changing this world.

Recent Peer Reviewed Publications:

Kimosop, P.K. 2010. A comprehensive hydrological assessment with particular reference to Kerio Valley Basin, Kenya. Dissertation, University of Cincinnati, OH.

He Chanseng, Rahim Mustafa, Kimosop Peter, and Limlahapun Ponthip. "Comparison of AnnAgnps and Swat in estimating nonpoint source pollution in a Lake Michigan watershed." Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences 30 (2007): 523-532

Book Reviews:

Kimosop, P.K. 2011. Book Review: Conflict on the Rio Grande: water and the law, 1879-1939. By Littlefield, D.  Historical Geography Journal. (forthcoming)

Recent Presentations:

Kimosop, P.K. 2010. Land use impacts on Lake Kamnarok National Reserve, Kenya. Paper presentation at the Annual AAG Conference, April 14-18 2010, Washington, DC

Kimosop, P.K. 2009. Examining the effects of water diversion programs on local communities. Poster Presentation at the Annual AAG Conference, March 22-27 2009, Las Vegas, NV

Kimosop, P.K. 2007. Comparing the SWAT and the AnnAgnps hydrological models on sediment and nutrient loadings in the Davis Creek watershed, South Western Michigan. Poster Presentation at the Annual AAG Conference, April 17-21 2007, San Francisco, CA

Kimosop, P.K 2004. Assessment of Sediment and Nutrient Loadings in the Davis Creek Watershed.

Updated: 12/01/2017 10:56PM