2015 PAA Presenters
Bowling Green State University will be well presented at this year's annual meeting of the Population Association of America in San Diego, April 30-May 2, 2015. A full list of the presenters can be found here. To view the posters that will be presented by BGSU researchers, please click on the photos below.
Neighborhood Norms, Disadvantage, and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Across Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Jennifer Copp, Peggy Giordano, and Monica Longmore
Preferences Constrained: Racial and Ethnic Variations in Parents’ Neighborhood Choice Considerations
Andrea Krieg, Raymond Swisher, Danielle Kuhl and Jorge Chavez
Pet Ownership and Access as Predictors of Self-Reported Health in a National Sample of U.S. Elders
Laura A. Sanchez and Gwendolyn Zugarek
Updated: 12/13/2019 11:30AM