EduRisk Camps on Campus Checklist

Stop It Now! Red Flad Adult Behaviors


Requests for exemptions from portions of the Programs and Activities with Minor Participants policy must be made in writing to the Office of Human Resources. Requests for exemptions will be reviewed by the Exemption Committee consisting of Human Resources, General Counsel, and Risk Management. Because of the nature of this policy, very few exemptions will be granted.

To request an exemption, please send an email to the Office of Human Resources at with the subject line Programs and Activities with Minor Participants Exemption Request. The request must include the following:

• The specific section or sections from the policy where exemptions are being requested
• The specific exemption request
• The rationale for requesting the exemption
• The nature of the program or activity involving minors
• Contact information for the requestor

The exemption committee will review the request and respond in writing with any questions and a decision on the request. 

Updated: 02/18/2019 02:40PM