Hannah Hall

Campus Sustainability

Coordinating BGSU’s efforts to be a more sustainable institution

One of the main goals for the Office of Campus Sustainability is to encourage students to become more sustainable in their daily lives. The Green Falcon Pledge will only take a few minutes to complete, but it can introduce you to small changes you can implement in your daily routine that will make your time here at BGSU more sustainable.

Tree Planting Service Project

Take the Green Falcon Pledge

The Office of Campus Sustainability operates within Campus Operations to fulfill three overarching goals established through BGSU's "Climate Action Plan" and "Strategic Plan" to achieve institutional carbon-neutrality by the year 2040.

Take the Green Falcon Pledge

Progressing Forward

13 LEED Certified Buildings

Following BGSU's Climate Action Plan, all new construction & major renovations pursued by BGSU will strive for LEED Silver certification.

Learn about LEED at BGSU 


7 EV Charging Stations

The stations were paid for through a grant from Clean Fuels Ohio and the U.S. Department of Energy, with BGSU's Student Green Initiatives Fund matching the grant to provide enough funding for the stations.

View Campus EV Stations

18 Green Certified Offices

The Green Office Certification program encourages departments and offices to engage in environmentally sustainable actions within their office.

Green Office Certification


79 Approved Green Fund Proposals

To date, close to $2 million of sustainability projects have been funded on campus, with an impact of reducing waste, reducing emissions or sustainable education.

Student Green Initiatives Fund

Sustainable Initiatives

BGSU Climate Action Plan

BGSU has completed the Climate Action Plan, which drives sustainability at the University. The CAP has outlined the current status of sustainability as well as areas for planned improvement. The University has set the goal of being carbon neutral by the year 2040!

Read the Plan

Fund Your Sustainability Idea!

Do you have an idea that can help make BGSU more environmentally-friendly? Learn how you can receive funding to make your green dream come true!

Student Initiatives Fund

BGSU's Recycling Program

BGSU offers single-stream recycling throughout campus, meaning all recyclables go into the recycling bin and non-recyclables go into the landfill bin. Recyclables include office paper and newspaper, plastics bottles, cardboard, aluminum and steel cans, and glass bottles! Follow the guidelines provided on the signage to help ensure items are placed into the correct bin.

Learn More

Get Involved!

Join the Office of Campus Sustainability for sustainable service projects and volunteering opportunities. Fun events include Friday Night Lights, Green Game Day, and the Campus ReStore, along with others! Stay up to date on BGSUServes to ensure you don't miss an opportunity to be more sustainable.


List of Green Falcons

Abigail Sue McGaughy, Adam Smith, Alex Thomas Kralik, Alexander Butler, Alexis Keane, Alexis Parker, Alice Anastos, Alisha Silkey DeBuse, Allyson Ritchey, Alyssa M Board, Amy Morgan, Andrean Leigh Traut, Andrew Leonard, Angela Nelson, Angela Pezzi, Angela Shank, Annette Oberhaus, Ashley Nicole Hartman, Audrey Costanzo, Autumn Jade Ruza, Ben Batey, Beth Fridrick, Betsy Johnson, Bill Huepenbecker, Bo Bradley, Bob Gangwer, Bob Midden, Brayden Asbury, Brittany Ashbaugh, Bryna Walker, Caitlin Shortridge, Caleb Isler, Calista Robinson, Calvin Yao-Xing Wong, Carlton Barker, Carly Hitchcock, Caroline Brooks, Carrie Hamady, Chase Fleece, Christoph Johnson, Christopher M. Rump, Christopher Sean O'Dell, Christopher W Chandler, Cindy Ducar, Clare Barratt, Cole Aten, Craig L. Zirbel, Cynthia Anne Spitler, Dana Prenger, Danielle Jacobs, Danijela Tomic, Darcy Miesmer, David Okhimamhe, David Tobar, Dawn Shinew, Deborah A. Novak, Deborah Slosberg, Dennis M. Meyer, Diane L Gladieux, Dr. Ellen Gorsevski, Dr. Gabriel Matney, Dr. Jennifer Wolter, Dylan Bunn, Dylan M. Van Horn, Dylan Robert Sloan, Dynasty Ford, Elainie Lillios, Eli Kofi Avickson, Elyse Adrian, Emily Gerome, Emily Sommers, Erin Heilmeier, Eva Lytmer, Evelyn Smits, Geizi Amon, Grace Smith, Grace Waterstradt, Hai Le, Haley Lutz, Hannah Grose-Mahr, Heidi Gasser, Isaac Finkbeiner, Isela Reyes, Jada Riley, Jaelynn Cook, Jaiden McQuillin, Jaylen James Donald, Jean Wongrowski, Jenn Stucker, Jennifer Blessing, Jennifer Lewis, Jennifer Sayre, Jess Kiss, Jessica Breyley, Jessica Kiss, Jessica Patton-Hoffman, Jillian Darst, Joel Wilson, John Douglas Hall, John Humphrey, John Swingle, Josiah Ellinger, Julia Collins, Kaitlyn Altobelli, Kass Fynch, Katana Kerch, Kathleen McBride, Katie Mihaly, Katie Ware, Katrina Marr, Kayden Kelly, Kelly Avery, Kelton Huffman, Keyon Antonio Camden, Kim Waterfield, Kristen Funk, Kristen Rudisill, Kyla Oswalt, Laura  J. Moore, Lauren Nicole Brown, Lea Anne Kessler, Leslie Lipper, Lexie Simon, Lindsay Czech, Logan Saum, Lona Leck, Luke Johnson, Madalynn Olivia Lundy, Madeline Duntley, Madeline Keller, Madison Demshar, Madison Estep, Marcus Twyford, Maria Davis, Marisa Richards, Mary Kay Inkrott Hiser, Mary-Jon Ludy, Matthew Keefe, Maureen Barry, Megan Reedy, Meggan Hartzog, Meghan Murray, Meghana Shivakumar, Melanie Cole, Melissa Partin-Harding, Michael Nordeman, Michael Stokes, Michael Zickar, Misha Lamphere, Morgan Lee, Nancy C. Patterson, Nicholas Hennessy, Nicolas Golini, Nicolas Payne, Nicole L. Skilliter, Nicole Whitmer, Paige Blauvelt, Rachel Hoose, Rebecca L Skinner Green, Rebekah Shively, Reginald Jackson, Renée Brott, Rob Kozar, Robin Veitch, Rodney Fleming, Ruth White, Samantha Gates, Samuel Carl LaMancusa, Sarah M. Stenger, Sean Cook, Sheri Quiroga, Sherri Horner, Summer Lagrou, Suzanne Saunders-O'Herron, Tarika Sutter, Tasha Ford, Tayanna Bagrowski, Teresa Mercer, Thad Long, Tiago Gobetti Gaboardi, Timothy Sandusky, Tyler Parquette, Ugbajah Daniel Chuks, Valerie L. Norell, Wendy Manning, Wendy Standinger, Zach Nemec, Zachary Hayes, Zachary Noesen, Zachary Schmidt

(Updated 1-7-2025)

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Office of Campus Sustainability

102 Campus Operations
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403

Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30am to 5:00pm

Updated: 02/03/2025 12:50PM