Senate Committee on Academic Affairs


The Senate's Committee on Academic Affairs (FS-CAA) monitors all curricular and programmatic matters as well as all major changes in academic regulations and policies. It reviews the actions of Undergraduate and Graduate Councils, recommends actions to the SEC for Senate consideration, reports to the Senate, is responsible for statements of academic priorities and objectives of the University for purposes of planning and budgeting, makes recommendations about the University calendar, arbitrates disagreements over academic matters, conducts studies for the Senate regarding academic programs, and discusses the annual evaluation of the Vice President for Academic Affairs with the President. 


The CAA shall be composed of:

  1. one faculty member from each undergraduate college, at least three of whom shall be Senators, elected for three-year staggered terms, one of whom shall be selected by CAA to serve as CAA Chair for one year (these faculty are exclusive of those named in 2. and 3. below)
  2. one faculty representative from the Undergraduate Council selected by the Council for a two-year term
  3. one faculty representative from the Graduate Council selected by the Council for a two-year term
  4. one undergraduate student appointed by the USG for a one-year term, who may be reappointed
  5. one graduate student appointed by the GSS for a one-year term, who may be reappointed
  6. one member from FAAC as a non-voting liaison
  7. the Provost, who shall serve as an ex-officio member with the right to vote

Positions on the committee are filled through annual elections in the Spring semester. Vacancies are filled by appointment of the Committee on Committees for a period of up to one year. If you are willing to fill a vacancy on this committee, please contact the Chair of the Committee on Committees.

Committee Members
Faculty Members
Adam Watkins, chair 2022-2025 HHS Human Services 2-9540
Charles Coletta 2021-2024 A&S School of Cultural & Critical Studies 2-0546
Julia Matuga 2021-2024 EDHD Ed Found, Lead, & Pol 2-5527
Chris Witulski N/A CMA Musicology/Comp/Theory 2-2197
Non-Faculty Members
Keaton Thieding 2023-2024   USG Acad Aff Chair  
Joe Whitehead N/A   VPAA/Provost 2-2915

Updated: 12/04/2023 09:32AM