External Reviewers Visit Schedule Sample



Department Chairs/Directors will determine if the scope of review activities warrants the span of one day or one day and a half. Department Chairs/Directors will communicate with external reviewers to secure logistical arrangements (including travel, transportation, accommodations, etc.) and ensure a high standard of hospitality.

A copy of the finalized visit schedule is due to the Provost Designee in the Office of Institutional Effectiveness six weeks prior to the visit.

Provost Designee, Office of Institutional Effectiveness: institutionaleff@bgsu.edu

The site visit should be planned in such a way as to provide the external reviewers the opportunity to meet with all department faculty, individually and as a group wherever possible; tour facilities; meet with the Dean and/or Associate Dean (or a Dean Designee), Division Chair, faculty members or stakeholders who the program deems relevant, the department’s assessment coordinator, and students; and examine the Department or Program’s self-study materials and/or additional evidence. Time should be built into the schedule for any additional interviews external reviewers may request and for their own discussion and writing. When creating a site visit schedule, it is important to allow breaks for the reviewers in between back-to-back meetings. It is also important to give colleagues enough lead time to confirm their availability for meeting with the reviewers.

Download a PDF version of Sample Visit Schedule.

Updated: 09/23/2022 10:43AM