Survey data becomes increasingly useful to staff, faculty, and administrators as more students respond to items on the survey. By increasing the numbers of students who respond to the survey, we can also begin to learn more about specific populations of students and their experiences; therefore, a higher response rate allows stakeholders to gain a more detailed and increasingly accurate picture of students’ experiences at BGSU.

Promotional Material:

If you are interested in promoting the NSSE survey in your unit, department, or college, we have several examples you can use in your promotion efforts:

·    Talk to your students about the importance of taking the NSSE

·    Tweet about the NSSE

·    Send an email to students

·    Print off and post the flyer


Communication Plan:

Links to the survey are available on Canvas. Flyers will be posted throughout campus. Announcements will also appear on campus digital sign boards and in residential halls.






Updated: 12/15/2020 02:48PM