State Medalists

Ohio State Tournament Medalists and Trophy Winners from BGSU Regional Teams 2015-2024


Overall Division B - McCord 5th place team

Agricultural Science B (Trial) - Arbor Hills (6th)

Air Trajectory B - McCord (4th)

Botany B (Trial) - Timberstone (6th)

Can't Judge a Powder B - Springfield (2nd)

Codebusters B - McCord (6th)

Dynamic Planet B - McCord (2nd)

Ecology B - Arbor Hills (4th)

Fast Facts B - McCord (5th)

Flight B - McCord (3rd), Arbor Hills (6th)

Fossils B - McCord (5th)

Meteorology B - McCord (5th)

Reach for the Stars B - McCord (5th)

Roller Coaster B - McCord (6th)

Tower B - McCord (5th)

Wheeled Vehicle B - McCord (1st)

Wind Power B - Timberstone (6th)

Write It Do It B - Timberstone (!st)  

Air Trajectory C - Anthony Wayne (6th)

Astronomy C - Northview (6th)

Botany C (Trial) - Northview (1st)

Detector Building C - Northview (2nd)

Fermi Questions C - Northview (5th)

Forensics C - Northview (5th)

Geologic Mapping C - Northview (5th)

Microbe Mission C - Northview (5th)

Scrambler C - Northview (5th)

Tower C - Northview (4th)


Anatomy and Physiology B - Arbor Hills (6th)

Can't Judge a Powder B - McCord (4th)

Codebusters B - McCord (6th)

Crave the Wave B - McCord (5th) and Arbor Hills (6th)

Experimental Design B - McCord (3rd)

Green Generation B - Arbor Hills (6th)

Roller Coaster B - McCord (6th)

Write It Do It B - McCord (3rd)

Run It Code It B (Trial) - Arbor Hills (2nd)

Astronomy C - Northview (6th)

Cybersecurity C (Trial) - Northview (6th)

Disease Detectives C - Northview (6th)

Environmental Chemistry C - Northview (6th)

Experimental Design C - Northview (3rd)

Fermi Questions C - Sylvania Southview (2nd)

It's About Time C - Shawnee (2nd)

Wifi Lab C - Northview (3rd)

Write It Do It C - Northview (2nd)


Overall Division C - Northview 5th place team

Bridge B - McCord (6th)   

Codebusters B - Arbor Hills (6th)

Mousetrap Vehicle B - Arbor Hills (6th)

Ornithology B - Arbor Hills (6th)

Ping Pong Parachute B - Arbor Hills (2nd)

Sounds of Music B - Timberstone (4th)

Anatomy and Physiology C - Sylvania Southview (3rd), Springfield (5th)

Astronomy C - Northview (2nd)

Chemistry Lab C - Northview (3rd)

Detector Building C - Northview (4th)

Experimental Design C - Northview (6th)

It's About Time C - Shawnee (4th)

Remote Sensing C - Sylvania Southview (3rd)

Rocks and Minerals C - Springfield (3rd)

Trajectory C - Sylvania Southview (3rd), Oak Harbor (6th)

WiFi Lab C - Northview (4th)


Disease Detectives B - Timberstone (5th)

Fossils B - Arbor Hills (2nd)

Machines B - Van Buren (6th)

Ornithology B - Timberstone (6th)

Write It CAD It B - St. Rose (6th)

Astronomy C - Northview (4th), Springfield (6th)

Circuit Lab C - Northview (6th)

Experimental Design C - Northview (3rd)

Sounds of Music C - Northview (4th)

Write It CAD It C - Springfield (5th), Sylvania Southview (6th)


Circuit Lab B - McCord (5th)

Disease Detectives B - McCord (5th)

Dynamic Planet B - Arbor Hills (4th)

Fossils B - Arbor Hills (5th)

Anatomy and Physiology C - Northview (5th)

Astronomy C - Ottawa Hills (5th)

Chemistry Lab C - Northview (2nd), Ottawa Hills (6th)

Circuit Lab C - Ottawa Hills (6th)

Fossils C - Northview (6th)

Geologic Mapping C - Ottawa Hills (6th)

Herpetology C - Sylvania Southview (4th), Northview (6th)

Mousetrap Vehicle C - Northview (6th)

Thermodynamics C - Sylvania Southview (5th)

Water Quality C - Sylvania Southview (5th)

Write It Do It C - Sylvania Southview (3rd)


Anatomy and Physiology B - McCord (3rd)

Dynamic Planet B - McCord (5th)

Ecology B - Shawnee (5th)

Hovercraft B - McCord (6th)

Microbe Mission B - Arbor Hills (6th)

Potions and Poisons B - Springfield (5th)

Solar System B - McCord (6th)

Wright Stuff B - McCord (5th)

Write It Do It B - Springfield (3rd)

Anatomy and Physiology C - Northview (5th)

Astronomy C - Sylvania Southview (6th)

Dynamic Planet C - Northview (6th)

Experimental Design C - Northview (5th)

Forensics C - Northview (4th)

Game On C - Paulding (2nd), Springfield (3rd)

Helicopters C - Sylvania Southview (3rd)

Herpetology C - Northview (3rd), Sylvania Southview (6th)

Hovercraft C - Shawnee (5th)

Microbe Mission C - Northview (6th)

Thermodynamics C - Sylvania Southview (5th)

Towers C - Sylvania Southview (6th)

Write It Do It C - Sylvania Southview (3rd)


Microbe Mission B - Arbor Hills (4th)

Reach for the Stars B - McCord (5th)

Wind Power B - Arbor Hills (4th)

Anatomy and Physiology C - Northview (4th), Ottawa Hills (5th)

Astronomy C - Ottawa Hills (6th)

Forensics C - Ottawa Hills (4th)

Game On C - Springfield (4th)

Materials Science C - Ottawa Hills (6th)

Robot Arm C - Springfield (4th)

Towers C - Sylvania Southview (4th)


Crime Busters B - McCord (6th)

Disease Detectives B - Arbor Hills (1st)

Invasive Species B - McCord (6th)

Air Trajectory C - Ottawa Hills (5th)

Hydrogeology C - Ottawa Hills (6th)

Invasive Species C - Northview (6th)

Green Generation C - Sylvania Southview (3rd)

Robot Arm C - Sylvania Southview (2nd)


Disease Detectives B - McCord (5th)

Green Generation B  - Paulding (4th), McCord (5th)

Meteorology B  - Ottawa Hills (4th)

Anatomy and Physiology C - Northview (5th)

Air Trajectory C - Northview (5th)

Disease Detectives C - Northview (5th)

Green Generation C - Sylvania Southview (3rd)

Technical Problem Solving C - Springfield (1st)

Write It Do It C - Paulding (4th)

Updated: 05/04/2024 07:09PM