Our Students Are Workforce-Ready
The BGSU College of Business goes beyond business as usual to prepare our students to be successful in their business careers. Nearly 100 students participated in one of the dean’s fall workshops. The Dean’s Guide to Practical Business consists of six two-hour workshops that cover dining etiquette, interviewing, networking, dressing for success, business travel, and dining with wine. The Dean’s Golf Workshop includes five two-hour sessions, such as putting, driving, and swinging, and concludes with participation in a golf scramble hosted by the Supply Chain Management Association. Through this workshop, students can successfully participate in company golf outings where business networking is common.

Here are comments from two students who participated in the Dean’s Guide to Practical Business Workshop.
The Dean's Guide to Practical Business Workshop was a comprehensive experience unlike any other I have participated in for professional development and career preparedness. Each workshop was tailored to outline the crucial tips for making a wonderful first impression on employers and professionals alike. Now having completed these workshops, I am that much more confident in my skills to search, interview, and secure the job of my dreams.
Margaret Dorian
Accounting Specialization
Class of 2016
In business every day there is an interview, whether it be with a potential employer or potential client. The Dean’s Guide to Practical Business workshop provides the soft skills to excel in those daily interviews. I am confident, thanks to the workshop, that I can make a great impression on anyone in any situation.
Jim Jacobs
Class of 2017
Management Specialization
More than 400 students have already taken advantage of or are currently becoming “FIT” certified. This initiative introduced fall semester by the Business Career Accelerator is an online system designed to prepare our students for the highest level of professionalism when engaging and interviewing with employers. This new system is titled “FIT Certification” (Finest Individual Talent), administered via Canvas (BGSU’s online course system) and verified by the Business Career Accelerator staff.
The fall class dinners were a great success. Students enjoyed a great meal and good conversation with classmates and faculty, and they learned about career information, specializations, business etiquette, student organizations and life after graduation including alumni involvement.
The Fall EXPO Job & Internship Fair was held in October with a record number of employers - 231 - coming to campus. More than 700 of our business students dressed in professional attire and armed with their polished resumes, met with employers to “sell” themselves on how they could add value to their companies. The following day is Interview Day, where selected students interview for permanent jobs and internships. This year, business students had an interview schedule increase of 72% compared to last fall.
Students have also engaged at a high level with the College through the CBA Rewards Points Program. Just over halfway through fall semester, approximately 90% of the undergraduate students have engaged with the College, nearly 97% of the seniors and 87% of the freshmen. More than 120 students have already reached a prize level in the Points Program, with 35 of those students reaching the highest prize level. The top prize level is a choice between a College of Business brown neoprene jacket, an orange UnderArmor/College of Business backpack, or a College of Business quarter zip fleece pullover. The top three students in total points at the end of fall semester classes will each earn two tickets to Cedar Point.
Many of the College of Business student initiatives and class dinners are generously supported by alumni who are members of the College of Business Leadership Council and the Young Alumni Board.
Updated: 12/01/2017 11:00PM