
Family Structure Snapshot

The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K)—at baseline—contains representative data at three levels—kindergartners, kindergarten teachers, and schools with kindergartens. The study includes multiple measures of family structure collected via the parent questionnaires, including the relationship status of focal child’s parents (birth and current with some information on marital/relationship history); type of residential mother and/or father; type of non-residential mother and/or father; if not living with biological mother/father, asked if child ever did and when; the presence of siblings, etc.

Suggested Citation:
National Center for Family & Marriage Research. Measures Snapshots: Name of Data Set.
Retrieved from /content/bgsu/en/ncfmr.htmlpage88507.html

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Updated: 10/08/2020 01:09PM