T-Shirt Design Contest Announced for Business Olympics Event

The Second Annual Business Olympics is set for Thursday, April 17! This year the College of Business and its Student Ambassadors are asking for business students to submit designs for a t-shirt that participants and attendees will wear at the event. The winner of the design, voted upon by the Student Ambassadors, will be awarded 100 CBA Reward Points, a gift basket of CBA goodies, and recognition at the event.
The design must be submitted to Madison Huff (mhuff@bgsu.edu) by Wednesday, March 19 by 11:59pm. We request that you include the hashtag #GoldenTie2014 and play with the theme of the Olympics and the Golden Tie concept. Get creative!
Please include a phone number in your submission for contact purposes. We ask that you minimize the use of colors to assist in keeping costs low and be aware of copyrighted images and logos. We reserve the right to make minor changes for production purposes. The designs will be displayed anonymously for voting purposes.
Submit your t-shirt design today and plan to attend this exciting event! Free picnic style food will be served.
Updated: 02/23/2018 10:09AM