Spring Break Checklist

Before You Go

Make back-up copies of important documents (passport, driver's license, insurance cards) and leave them at home with your parents/guardians or friends who you trust. While you're at it, leave the address of where you'll be staying, along with your cell phone number.

  • I will tell my parents/guardians where I will be going and when to expect me home.
  • I will give my parents/guardians copies of important documents and travel itinerary.
  • If I need help planning ahead, I can use University resources (see below).

On the Road

If you are driving, make sure the car is big enough so everyone gets a seatbelt. This will not only make the drive more comfortable, it will keep you safe!

  • I will make sure everyone is wearing a seatbelt, even if they are trying to sleep.
  • I will keep the driver company whenever I ride shotgun.
  • I will double check to make sure everyone has their driver's license with them.

In the Hotel

Read reviews online, and get as much information as possible. Try to book a room above the first floor but below the sixth floor. Rooms on the first floor are more vulnerable to break-ins, and rooms above the sixth are too high for some emergency ladders.

  • I will check to make sure the hotel is legitimate.
  • I will read reviews to see if there have been problems with crime.

Set Personal Limits

If you plan to drink on Spring Break, decide how many drinks you are going to have before you go out. Students are easy targets for pickpockets. Respect yourself, and set physical boundaries for intimate situations.

  • I will tell my parents/I will set my personal limits about alcohol, drugs and sex before I go out each night.
  • I will confidently say "no" to any offers that contradict my decisions made beforehand.

On the Beach

Hiding your wallet in your shoes isn't fooling anyone. Zip your valuables into your swim trunks or carry a small purse or backpack with you. Take it slow and stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. Avoid sun exposure during the hottest hours, and use plenty of sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher).

  • If I drink outside, I will alternate alcoholic drinks with water to stay hydrated.
  • I will keep track of my stuff and keep valuables with me.

The Buddy System

If you go out with your friends, go home with your friends. Keep an eye on one another, and be sure to step in if you think your friend is in a bad situation.

  • My friends are important to me, so I will make it my duty to keep them safe at all times.
  • I won't hesitate to intervene if I think my friend is in trouble.

Know the Laws

If you're going abroad, make sure you are familiar with the local laws. Remember that the Student Code of Conduct applies to all BGSU students (even on vacation).

Underage consumption, purchasing or possession of alcohol:
The legal drinking age in the United States for alcohol is 21. Purchasing, possessing or consuming alcohol prior to your 21st birthday is a first-degree misdemeanor.

Providing alcohol to an underage person:
A person who furnishes alcohol to an underage person is guilty of a first-degree misdemeanor.

Fake ID:
Possession or display of a fake operator's license is a first-degree misdemeanor. The offense includes mere possession of a fake license or display of someone else's valid operator's license.

We'll help you plan ahead!

The Counseling Center offers confidential alcohol and other drug counseling to BGSU students with screening, evaluation, referral and follow-up. Appointments can be made by calling 419-372-2081.

The Office of Health and Wellness offers peer education programs on issues relating to substance abuse prevention as well as intervention. Visit the Alcohol Education Page for more information.

Updated: 08/02/2024 12:51PM