Campus Martin Luther King tribute events set

BOWLING GREEN, O.—Since the start of the U.S. civil rights movement, the country has struggled to come to grips with issues of race and equality. Bowling Green State University will take a look at that history as it honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and then celebrates Black History Month in February.

In addition to talks by BGSU President Sidney Ribeau on Jan. 18 and by civil rights leader Myrlie Evers-Williams on Jan. 23 (see separate stories), a number of events have been planned.

Events in honor of King include the fifth annual gospel festival, sponsored by the Gospel Choir, at 7 p.m. Friday (Jan. 18) and Saturday (Jan. 19) in the Lenhart Grand Ballroom of the Bowen-Thompson Student Union. “Shift . . . Moving to What God Has Called Me to Be” will feature guest choirs from Ohio, Michigan and Kentucky, with recording artists Rock Nation, Amante Lacey, Alexis Calloway, RnB and Breath of Praise. Ticket prices for BGSU students are $7 for Friday, $10 for Saturday and $15 for both. For others, prices are $10, $20 and $25, respectively. Tickets are available in the student union and will also be sold at the door. For more information, email

The Black Student Union will host “Remembering Martin Luther King: His Legacy Continues” from 7‑9 p.m. Jan. 24 in 308 Union.

The University Libraries and the Office of Equity and Diversity will present a tribute program on “Civil Rights to Social Justice: From Hip-Hop to the Jena Six,” with Dr. Rodney Coates, a professor of sociology, gerontology and black world studies at MiamI University, and Ramona Coleman-Bell, an American culture studies doctoral student and ethnic studies instructor at BGSU. Their presentation will be held from 10 a.m. to noon Jan. 25 in the Pallister Conference Room in Jerome Library.

In addition, University Dining Services will offer a Southern-style buffet in the Bowling Greenery at the union Jan. 29 at a cost of $6.95.

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(Posted January 14, 2008)

Updated: 12/02/2017 01:11AM