National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79)

Incarceration Snapshot

Waves 1-23 of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 is a national sample of more than 12,600 youth (aged 14-22 in 1979) followed annually through 1994 and biennially from 1996-2008. This data source provides multiple measures related to incarceration such as whether respondents have ever been stopped, charged, and/or convicted in connection with a crime; if convicted, the type of conviction (e.g., assault, robbery, theft); experiences with probation, counseling, and diversion programs; and frequencies and dates in which experiences occurred. Additionally, a retrospective account was collected in 1988 of whether respondents lived in a detention center/jail/prison (not living with parent) during each year of age (1-18).

Suggested Citation:
National Center for Family & Marriage Research. Measures Snapshots: Name of Data Set.
Retrieved from /content/bgsu/en/ncfmr.htmlpage88507.html

Updated: 12/11/2017 02:53PM