Business Career Day Prepares Students to Find Their Dream Job

Students came away with valuable resume and interviewing advice after attending the Business Career Accelerator’s Business Career Day, held the day before BGSU’s Spring EXPO Job and Internship Fair. Business Career Day kicked off with a panel of six employers answering student questions regarding what they look for when recruiting employees. Students then attended sessions on career goal-setting, interview skill development, and a “resume reversal” session where students played the role of an employer selecting applicants to interview. The day’s event concluded with a mock job fair role play with business students Doug Knapke and Jessica Glenn offering advice from a student’s perspective on how to approach recruiters at the EXPO. Becky Guenther from Rehmann facilitated the role play and offered valuable insight into a recruiter's mindset.
Thanks to the following companies who participated in the panel and workshops: Rehmann, Cintas, SkyLight Financial, Owens Corning, Magna Exteriors, and Exel. More than 360 business students attended the event, successfully preparing them for their job search. After attending Business Career Day, students cited they felt more confident and more knowledgeable about what they need to do when seeking internships and full-time employment opportunities.
This College of Business event was organized by the associate director of the Business Career Accelerator, Tom Siebenaler, and the College’s internship coordinator and marketing department lecturer, Erik Chiarelott, with help from graduate students Chris Faulkner and Shahad Al-Doori.
Updated: 12/01/2017 11:00PM