Hatchlings Selected for The Hatch 2015

Eighty student applications were narrowed to ten of the best business ideas to compete for investor funding in The Hatch™ 2015. The Dallas-Hamilton Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership announced the 10 Hatchlings at the Global Entrepreneurship Week event on November 20. These Hatchlings are paired with an Alumni Mentor to make a business presentation in April to a panel of Falcon Investors in an event similar to the hit television show “Shark Tank.”
The Hatchlings include the following students and their business ideas:
Michael Cervantes - operate a Hibachi food truck in northwest Ohio targeting 20 – 30 year olds.
Meredith Keller - develop an app for monitoring Cystic Fibrosis.
Mark Kohn – start up “U-Beequity”, a beekeeping business.
Matthew Snider – design TRIck Shot, a three-in-one game table for Cornhole, Hillbilly Golf, and Beer Pong.
Haksun Lee - create a teddy bear to teach children different languages.
Thomas Steven - develop a campus taxi.
Allen Viancourt - launch “Tech Turf: The Next generation of Turf Fields”.
Elsa Vogel – design personalized clothing through a company called “Pieces of Me”.
Devon Williams - create “MuSync,” an app enabling real-time music sharing.
Congratulations to these outstanding young entrepreneurs! They will present their business ideas at The Hatch on April 8, 2015 at the Stroh Center.
Updated: 12/01/2017 11:00PM