BG1 Card Accounts

BG Bucks – is a pre-paid account that is used to make purchases all across campus and at select merchants off-campus. There are several benefits to utilizing this account:

No expiration 
Your BG Bucks carry forward from semester to semester and from year to year. You can also request a refund upon graduation or withdrawal from BGSU.

Easily accessible
You can make deposits online 24/7 by clicking the BG1 Card tab at MyBGSU. We accept Visa, Discover, MasterCard and American Express debit or credit cards. Transactions are processed in real-time allowing for immediate access to deposited funds. Guests or family members can also add funds to your account online

Flexible Deposit options
Deposits can be made at any time, in any amount. No need to purchase a pre-defined plan, just add what you need.

Encourages responsible spending habits
Many students and parents use the BG Bucks as a way to budget their money and encourage responsible spending without accumulating debt.

Supplements meal plans
If you run out of your meal plan, you can utilize your BG Bucks at any of the University Dining locations.

Updated: 10/27/2023 10:27AM