Vocal Health

Vocal Health

Among musicians, the importance of vocal health is not limited to vocalists alone. Musicians involved in teaching, conducting, or collaborating with others must also take care in preserving their vocal health. Occupational voice users (singers, teachers, etc.) are at a high risk for vocal attrition and dysphonia (voice problems). As many as 40% of music teachers have reported having a voice problem that has prevented them for doing their job. If you classify yourself as an occupational voice user, awareness of your voice and healthy vocal hygiene could help preserve your voice and allow you to continue performing the tasks associated with your career for as long as possible.

The 30-Question Voice Handicap Index (Jacobson et al., 1997) is a self-report inventory that could help you assess your voice today. These are statements that many people have used to describe their voices and the effects of their voices on their lives – functionally, physically, and emotionally. Circle the response that indicates how frequently you have the same experience.

BGSU Voice Clinic

Right here on campus, the BGSU Voice Clinic offers assessment and treatment of a variety of voice disorders for a reasonable fee. If you have questions or are interested in setting up a vocal health evaluation, contact the BGSU Speech and Hearing Clinic at (419) 372-2515.

Caring for your Voice

There are a variety of ways musicians can proactively care for their voice. Check out some of the following links to better understand your voice and how to treat it well!

Updated: 08/26/2021 05:36PM