Falcon Fitness On Demand

Schedule Your Group's Private Fitness Class Today
Hosting a private fitness class or program is an exciting, fun and active way to provide a memorable and enjoyable event for your organization and participants. These fitness events are perfect for residence halls, student organizations, Greek Life, staff meetings or retreats, local school groups, athletic teams and many others and provide great opportunity for team bonding, networking, and promoting an active, healthy lifestyle.
Certified Group X instructors or Personal Trainers travel to your location or facility rental is available at the Student Recreation Center.
Costs and Requests
- BGSU Affiliate: Single class: $35 (max of 50 minutes)
- Non-BGSU Affiliate: Single class: $5/person ($30 minimum)
Falcon Fitness On Demand Request Form
After submitting, an e-mail copy of the request is sent to the address provided in this form. This serves as a confirmation that the form was submitted; however completion of this form does not guarantee that a request is granted. Fitness Staff contact you to finalize the event. It is strongly encouraged to request a date at least two weeks in advance to provide adequate time to secure an instructor that best suits your request.
For More Information: Health Educator, Karyn Smith: karync@bgsu.edu
Updated: 08/15/2022 04:45PM