Amanda Cook Ph.D.


Amanda Cook, Ph.D.

  • Position: Associate Professor
  • Phone: (419) 372-8065
  • Email:
  • Address: 356C Maurer Center

Amanda Cook is an associate professor in Economics at Bowling Green State University. She received her Masters in Economics from Vanderbilt University and her PhD in Economics from Purdue University. Her research interests are in health economics, econometrics, and industrial organization. She studies hospital reimbursement, health insurance, and health policy. Her recent work has focused on upcoding, the negative health effects of being uninsured, empirically modeling how hospitals and insurance companies divide surplus based on market characteristics, and theoretically modeling the health insurance market as a platform market. She has published in the Journal of Health Economics and American Journal of Public Health.


Ph.D. in Economics, Purdue University, 2016

M.A. in Economics - Graduate Program in Economic Development, Vanderbilt University, 2011

B.A. in Mathematics, Grinnell College, 2003


Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Bowling Green State University, 2016 - Present

  • Hospital Reimbursement
  • Health Insurance Finance
  • Health and Public Policy
  • Health Economics
  • Econometrics
  • Industrial Organization
  • Access to and Equity in Healthcare
  • Econometric Modeling

Born, P., Cook, A., Sirmans, T., & Yang, C. (2022). Are health insurers in multiple lines of business less profitable? An examination of scope economies in health insurance. Journal of Risk and Insurance Review, 1– 28.

Cook, A., Sirmans, T., & Wells, B. (2022) Does Legalization of Cannabis for Medicinal Use Impact Private Health Insurer Prescription Drug Expenditures? The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice.

Cook, Amanda C.; Bland, James; and Meisner, Andrew "Information cascades in the classroom: the relationship between in-class feedback and course performance," The Journal of Economics and Politics: (2021) Vol. 26 : Iss. 1, Article 3.

Cook, Amanda C. & Alannah Reisling "Fraternity and sorority membership and risky sexual behavior", Journal of American College Health, (2021).

Cook, Amanda C and Amanda Stype. "Medicaid expansion and infant mortality: the (questionable) impact of the Affordable Care Act" Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (2020)

Cook, Amanda, and Susan Averett. "Do Hospitals Respond to Changing Incentive Structures? Evidence from Medicare's 2007 DRG Restructuring." Journal of Health Economics (2020):102319.

Cook, Amanda C. "Do the Uninsured Demand Less Care? Evidence from Maryland’s Hospitals" International Journal of Health Economics and Management (2020): 1-26.

Cook, Amanda C., Gregory Leung, and Rhet A. Smith. "Marijuana decriminalization, medical marijuana laws, and fatal traffic crashes in US cities, 2010–2017." American Journal of Public Health 110.3 (2020): 363-369.

Abboud, A., & Cook, A. C. (2019). Differential Rates of Medicaid Uptake for Hispanic English Speakers and Hispanic Spanish Speakers under the Affordable Care Act. Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy, 1-16.

Amanda C. Cook & Donovan Beachy (2019) The Impact of Hurricane Matthew on School Attendance: An Analysis from Rural Haiti, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,

James R. Bland & Amanda C. Cook (2018) Random effects probit and logit: understanding predictions and marginal effects, Applied Economics Letters,

Updated: 07/03/2024 12:52PM