Inaugural Distinguished Scholar Series Featured Professor of Logistics

The College of Business hosted its first Distinguished Scholar Series with Dr. Thomas J. Goldsby as the keynote speaker. Dr. Goldsby is the Harry T. Mangurian, Jr. Foundation Professor in Business and Professor of Logistics at The Ohio State University. He serves as associate director of the Center for Operational Excellence (COE), a Research Fellow of the National Center for the Middle Market, and a research associate of the Global Supply Chain Forum, all housed at Ohio State’s Fisher College of Business.
He is co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Business Logistics and former editor of Transportation Journal, both of which are widely recognized as top journals in the logistics field. In addition, he is recognized as one of the most productive researchers of all-time in the field of logistics management.
During the Distinguished Scholar Series, Dr. Goldsby presented two research sessions, one to students and faculty titled “Consumer Centricity: In Search of the Next Dominant Design in Supply Chains” and the second presentation to primarily faculty titled “What Journals Need and Editors Want?”
Professor Goldsby’s research interests include logistics strategy, supply chain integration, and the theory and practice of lean and agile supply chain strategies. He has published more than 50 articles in academic and professional journals and has co-author of five books. He is a recipient of the Best Paper Award at the Transportation Journal (2012-2013), Bernard J. LaLonde Award at the Journal of Business Logistics (2007), and has twice received the Accenture Award for best paper published in the International Journal of Logistics Management (1998 and 2002).
Updated: 04/24/2019 04:15PM