Alumnus finds passion through MOD program

By Rachel Dwornick
Bob Anderson ‘86, founder, chairman and chief development officer of The Leadership Circle as well as co-founder and chairman of the Full Circle Group graduated with a master’s degree in organization development from Bowling Green State University. After graduation, Anderson worked in leadership development until starting his own business in 1986. Anderson recently co-wrote a book titled “Mastering Leadership: An Integrated Framework for Breakthrough Performance and Extraordinary Business Results.”
Before entering the MOD program at BGSU, Anderson worked for The Anderson’s as a manufacturing supervisor. Anderson knew that he wanted to work with people and that development was his passion. The MOD program at BGSU gave Anderson the opportunity to pursue that passion.
“The program set me up for my career,” said Anderson. “It is a really accessible way to earn your degree and get into this field.” After completing classwork in 1982 and while working on his thesis for the MOD Program, Anderson worked at St. Charles hospital for a few years before being appointed to director. During his time at St. Charles hospital, Anderson got connected with thought leaders, which helped to focus him on deep leadership development, and working with leaders from the inside out. This is where Anderson began thinking about integration and his framework.
He then worked on his framework/model of Leadership for 15 years before creating a 360 assessment—The Leadership Circle Profile. He changed the name of his business to The Leadership Circle. The Leadership Circle provided clients with The Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) as well as leadership and organization development consulting services. Anderson later joined forces with Bill Adams and created The Full Circle Group. In 2013, they merged the two companies. The Leadership Circle has grown dramatically and internationally over the years and has become a big competitor in the field with offices all around the world.
“The MOD program gave me an avenue to peruse my passion,” Anderson said. One piece of advice he would give to someone looking at applying to the MOD program would be to get your ticket punched. Anderson said that some of the program will connect directly to your passion and some may not. The MOD program opens the door to a wide variety of opportunities and the opportunity to specialize in the field.
When he has spare time, Anderson likes to cycle, read and listen to music. He is also passionate about the environment and always trying to optimize his home and reduce the carbon footprint. Currently, Anderson is working on writing a second book. The new book will include a major research project on the written comments on the LCP assessment. It will show how senior leaders describe leadership, what works and what does not.
Updated: 12/01/2017 10:59PM