Business students enrich education through studying beyond U.S.; prepare for global economy

Dozens of BGSU business students are studying abroad and the College of Business is expecting to have a record number of students, more than 50, going overseas spring semester. As part of going beyond business as usual, the College encourages business students to become immersed in a culture to enrich their college education so they are prepared for the global economy.
The College of Business’s education abroad program has more than doubled the number of study abroad opportunities over the past year. The College has agreements with fourteen different universities, and is finalizing agreements with institutions in Australia, the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, and Canada. According to Dr. Tim Chambers, director of the College’s education abroad program, the College is projected to have more than 75 students studying abroad next year due to the expansions.
Some of the students who have embarked on their exciting educational journey have created blogs so others can read about their tremendous adventures. Here are five of the student blogs.
- Nate Hackworth, Hong Kong Baptist University.
- Chris Kinsey, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway.
- Julie Kessler, Ecole de Management, Strasbourg, France.
- Karley Jones, Artvelde Hogeschool, Ghent, Belgium.
- Grace Seibold, University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Read more about the College of Business Education Abroad program.

Updated: 01/22/2020 03:28PM