Student Initiates Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion

By Donna Greenwald
Senior business student Marjorie Williams was inspired from speakers she heard, a student organization she belonged to, and an honors project she worked on that resulted in her collaborating with Dean Ray Braun to create the Dean’s Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion (DACODI) which met for the first time on April 28.
Williams came up with the idea while working on an honors project with Dean Braun that involved gathering diversity statistics within the College of Business. Her involvement in Women in Business Leadership (WIBL) also motivated Williams further since diversity had helped WIBL come together to form such a strong student group. In fact, Williams states it was at the Women in Business Leadership Conference in September where she heard the following: “Gender diverse businesses produce better business outcomes.”
According to Williams, “After talking with the dean about my interest in diversity, we decided that it would be best to start by creating an advisory council to create diversity and inclusion strategies and goals for the College that align with those of the University.” Under BGSU’s Strategic Plan is Goal #5 - “Build a campus and community that fosters, celebrates and appreciates diversity and inclusion.”
Williams adds, “I modeled our DACODI group after the President’s Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion (BGSU PACODI). DACODI will try to set measurable goals to ensure we are utilizing best practices for a culture of diversity. I would like the group to also create programming and events that will accomplish this.”
Council members are working with the dean, along with the associate dean of undergraduate students, to implement strategic initiatives that support the University and College’s diversity and inclusion goals. DACODI is made up of four undergraduate students, two graduate students, two faculty members and an alumnus member, as well as ex-officio members from the University administration. DACODI will meet once a month and plans to create subcommittees to carry out initiatives. Since Williams is graduating, she will serve as the alumnus member on the Council.
Through the anticipated activities of DACODI, the College of Business will ensure all students feel welcomed and included. This is another example of how the BGSU College of Business is Going Beyond Business As Usual!
Updated: 12/01/2017 11:00PM