Student Marketing Chapter Among Best in the World

They did it again in 2015! For the second consecutive year, the BGSU chapter of the American Marketing Association earned the Bronze Chapter Award. The Bronze status placed our chapter in the top 5% of all chapters in the world (out of 350 chapters). 2015 was also the tenth consecutive year the BGSU organization has been honored as an Outstanding AMA Chapter.
The BGSU marketing organization was led last year by student Greg Hermes and the faculty advisor was Mearl Sutton, lecturer in the marketing department.
Sutton states, “This organization continues to amaze me. Being one of the top chapters in the world is quite an accomplishment but somehow it’s even more fun being the top collegiate marketing organization in the state of Ohio.”
We are waiting to see if the chapter continues its honors in 2016 with an announcement at the National AMA Convention in April. This academic year, Sutton was joined by Marketing Associate Professor Dr. Greg Rich as a co-advisor for AMA.
Updated: 12/06/2017 04:11PM